
Waldorf Microwave 1 v1.1.0 MacOS

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Waldorf Music推出了一款合成器插件:Microwave 1,复刻了35年前的Microwave硬件合成器。

Microwave 1是根据Microwave原始硬件精心复刻而成,保留了其所有独特功能和特点。Microwave深受九十年代顶级音乐家和制作人的喜爱,其充满活力和独特的声音将八十年代早期的波表声音带入了随后的电子舞曲潮流中。强劲的贝斯线条、神秘的波表调制、猛烈的音头以及丝绸般顺滑的音色激发了一代又一代音乐人的灵感。Microwave以其对波表合成的独特诠释以及模拟滤波器的结合,展现了混合合成的最佳效果。

Microwave 1对原始硬件合成器的每一个细节进行了分析和建模,重现了其独特的声音。该声音基于Waldorf Music专有的数字和模拟设计,只有第一代Microwave和Waldorf Wave是基于专门开发的Waldorf ASIC集成电路,与Curtis滤波器芯片和独特的68k CPU控制器软件结合,ASIC定义了一种特殊波表声音风格。

Microwave 1以250 kHz超高采样率运行内部合成,百分百重现原始硬件的数字波形和数字噪声,保留了所有模拟硬件的伪影。插件还建模了原始硬件中的老式DA转换器,包括其非线性和音调塑形效果,这些效果最终进入用于原始硬件A版和B版的两种Curtis滤波器芯片变体,插件还模拟组件的人工调音和重新校准。

Microwave 1采用现代图形用户界面设计,提供高对比度字体,完全可缩放界面大小,支持直观的声音编辑过程,通过动画显示波表、包络和滤波器响应曲线的调制和播放位置,使用户的编辑更加直观。插件还包含了所有原始的出厂单模式和多模式音色,并结合了新的现代音色预设。用户还可以导入原始的MIDI和Sys-Ex转储文件。此外,Microwave 1还可以控制原始硬件。

Microwave 1插件格式为VST、VST3、AU和AAX。

Team R2R | 22 Aug 2024 | 676.5MB

The Microwave defined hybrid synthesis at its best with its unique interpretation of wavetable synthesis combined with analogue filters. Now Waldorf Music brings this magical instrument back to digital workstations worldwide with the release of the Microwave 1 Plug-in.

35 years ago Waldorf Music released its first instrument, the Microwave, which took the hearts of the leading musicians and producers of the nineties by storm. Its vibrate and distinctive sound transported the early wavetable sounds of the eighties into the rising electronic dance music of the following decade. Massive base lines, enigmatic wavetable modulations, brutal attacks and pads smooth like silk have been inspired generations of musicians. Microwave’s unique interpretation of wavetable synthesis combined with analogue filters defined what hybrid synthesis is at its best.

Now’s the time to bring back this magical instrument in a software form to the digital workstations of producers and musicians world-wide. The Waldorf Microwave 1 Plugin was painstakingly recreated from the original hardware with all its idiosyncrasies and wonderful singularities.

System Requirements
windows 7 or higher
macOS 10.14 or higher


Microwave 1 Plugin



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