
Arturia Synthx V v1.0.0

Windows dsgsd 1浏览 0评论


凭借数十年的DSP专业技术和最先进的仿真技术,Synthx V 以无与伦比的精度重现了 Elka Synthex,并通过先进的琶音、拖拽调制、效果和表达式键盘控制将其提升到了新的高度——为音乐人提供了创造丰富、如交响乐般宏伟的模拟声音的终极工具。


  • 保留了原版的双音层架构
  • 配备了多功能 DCO,支持环形调制和脉冲宽度交叉调制
  • 经典的 CEM 3320 多模式滤波器
  • 备受喜爱的合唱效果

219 MB

Synthx V conveys the multitimbral splendor and dual-layer architecture of the famous Elka Synthex in unprecedented detail.
Advanced drag-and-drop modulation, effects, and expressive keyboard controls
– discover the perfect tool for creating rich,
symphonic analog sounds. Drawing on decades of DSP expertise and state-of-the-art emulation techniques,
Synthx V recreates Elka Synthex with unrivaled accuracy – mirroring its amazingly
rich and expansive sound and faithfully recreating its design.



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