
Steinberg VST Live Pro v2.1.0 MacOS

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VST Live是Steinberg推出的专门针对现场乐队演出的实用性工具软件,它是一套专门且稳定的现场演出解决方案,可以帮助乐手完成一场高质量的演出,且可对声音、灯光和视频进行同步处理。

VST Live还内置了大量虚拟乐器,可以在移动设备上同步显示你的音乐、歌词、和弦标记和视频。可导入Cubase的工程,且MIDI音轨还可以直接控制DMX灯光。

Team V.R | 18 April 2024 | 384 MB

Advanced Live Performance System
Make your live easier with VST Live, the ultimate live performance system. A unique, stable software solution, it is designed for musicians who want to put on a great show, including sound, lights and video, wherever you are. VST Live comes with a vast array of virtual instruments, sync features for your music, text and chord symbol displaying on other devices, video, Cubase import, MIDI tracks for direct DMX light control and much more.

From practicing at home to rehearsing with your band; from solo shows in bars, clubs and at small parties to full band shows and big stage productions, the wide-ranging facilities of VST Live make it the right choice for everyone.

The challenge
When it comes to live performances, today’s audiences have very high expectations. It’s a competitive world out there, so you need to capture the attention of a crowd by delivering a show that everyone will remember. But, unless you have a technical crew, delivering a great live show (sound, lights and video) as well as a great performance can be difficult. This is where VST Live comes in. It not only takes care of the technical production to impress your audience, it supports the onstage musicians as well.

What is VST Live?
VST Live is the core of your live production. Available for both Windows and macOS computers, it lets you set up every aspect of your performance to make the biggest impact. As well as helping you to deliver a great audio production, you can include tracks for instruments, chords, lyrics, stage lighting and videos, staying in complete control of every part of your production. And with its rock-solid reliability, it won’t let you down in front of your fans.

What does VST Live offer?
VST Live has all the functions needed to get your songs ready for the stage. For your sound it includes a vast array of virtual instruments and an integrated sequencer, with synchronization features to keep every beat and bar tightly in time. You can also display song text and chord symbols on other devices, so everybody is literally “singing from the same sheet.” Of course, your lights and video need to be very tightly integrated with the music, so VST Live allows synchronization of lights and offers as many video tracks as you need, ensuring that everything happens at the precise moment it should.

A solution for all situations
Whatever the size of your show, even if you don’t need to synchronize video, lighting or give your drummer a click track, VST Live has such a comprehensive feature set that everyone will find something that makes their life — and their live — easier.

System Requirements
macOS Big Sur, macOS Monterey, macOS Ventura, macOS Sonoma


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