
JixiPix Chromatic Edges 1.0.34 x64

Windows dsgsd 37浏览 0评论

JixiPix Chromatic Edges是一款能够将你的照片转换为各种复古艺术风格的软件,能够为相片进行添加学生各种环境艺术作品风格滤镜,内置了丰富的模板

Windows x64 | File size: 774.05 MB
JixiPix takes vintage to a whole new extreme. Gone are the days of having a few tiny choices when it comes to adding flare to your imagery. Chromatic Edges brings back the subtle magic of photo processing with glass, silver and paper plates all with a few taps and your unique photo.

Chromatic Edges
It’s all about the edge! There is something artistic about the old days of plate photography. The silky smooth images and fabulously artistic edges are just amazing to look at.

Before the days of digital or film photography, photographers had to process their images using glass plates, metal plates, and paper to get their final image. These processes took tremendous skill and passion to produce the final product. Some of the processing techniques even required the processing of the glass plate within minutes of taking the photograph. Boy have times changed!

Until today you had only a few choices if you wanted to recreate some of the old-style photo art. You would pick a stock photo and blend it into your photography. And since there are only a few choices you were left with your artwork starting to look oh-so-familiar. Chromatic Edges changes all that and gives you unlimited artistic photography styles while only taking a few steps to create………..


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