
Crysonic SpectraPhy V2HD v2.3 Win/MacOSX

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Crysonic SpectraPhy V2HD v2.3 (Win / Mac OS X)

Crysonic SpectraPhy V2HD v2.3 (Win / Mac OS X) | 39.9 MB
Spectra’Phy™ V2HD – is the second generation Mastering grade look-ahead brickwall audio limiter / maximizer and is now a full Multi-Band processor as well as the only audio plug-in to utilize the principals of mechanical physics for Audio processing. SpectraPhy Pro V2 breaks new ground in Audio processing for quality and easy of use to achieving amazing professional results for Mastering, Mixing, Tracking and all Audio/ Music Production. It is incredibly efficient in processing while maintaining predictability and providing the best of breed outcome for all Pro Audio use together with it’s gorgeous user Interface.

SpectraPhy V2 provides complete independent gain threshold control for all individual L/R channels for each band and this is carried over to the Final Mastering level on the input channel. By utilizing the new Crysonic “Nephilim Audio Physics Engine” unlike other limiters, an unusual amount of audio limiting / maximization can be applied without any unwanted audible artifacts.

The innovative approach represents a paradigm shift in the way these types of DSP effects have been designed to date. The unique method employed easily allows the mastering engineer to achieve maximum perceived “loudness” transparently without ever getting overshoots (Digital-over’s) and with minimum audible distortion. The characteristics of the final audio can quickly be adjusted to taste, be it analog or digital with only a single click. The smooth dial component can be used further when “running hot” to tame and impart warmth in either Linear or Exponential modes, this can naturally be disabled if not required. Spectraphy has been designed for ease of use and efficiency in mind without sacrificing creative freedom.

What makes the Spectra’phy V2 process unique is the novel approach used for its dynamic signal analysis. Internally Sprectra’phy utilizes a special physics engine (Nephilim Audio) to accurately simulate multiple response signals to maximize the perceived signal volume and to also “brick wall” upper limit to peak set levels. Final response curves are computed on the analysis of multiple simulations each having different characteristics that are driven mainly by incoming transient signals concurrently. This approach tends to produce a more natural sound, almost completely eliminating the risk of introducing audible nonlinear distortion.

Spectra’Phy V2HD™ Main Features
• NEW Second Generation Physics based Peak Limiting and Audio Dynamics Maximization
• NEW Transparent Multi-Band Auto summing processor
• NEW Individual Gain Threshold adjustment of L/R channels for all Bands
• NEW Kalman Filter Based smoothing of peak transients
• NEW Linear or Exponential modes for imparting analog warmth
• NEW Cross-Over filter frequency selection component
• NEW Gorgeous and easy to follow User Interface
• NEW Look-ahead Brickwall limiting Algorithm with no overshoots
• Full Automation for all parameters
• Industry standard Gain reduction and RMS meters
• 100% 64-bit internal precision
• Highly optimized custom DSP code
• Suitable for All Audio /Music Production

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CrSpPhV2HD2.3.MacOSX.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/77000563
CrSpPhV2HD2.3.Win.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/77000564

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