
Native Instruments Kontakt 8 v8.1.0 Mac

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Kontakt 让你可以找到它,创建它,并将其转化。最新版的革命性采样平台将一套全新的智能工具与无数的声音设计选项相结合,重新定义了你如何创造创意和制作音乐。


Kontakt 涵盖着世界上最大的虚拟乐器系列。它拥有成千上万个音源库,是从 Native Instruments、我们的官方合作伙伴以及独立开发人员那里获得优质声音的门户。而且,一切都可以完全调整,因此你可以打造属于自己的声音。

Kontakt 8 新增了什么?



工具添加了的创意功能层,让创意流动起来。它们可与任何 Kontakt 乐器(新旧)配合使用。在我们的首发中,我们首先推出了拥有 MIDI 内容和随机化功能以及和弦(Chords)和乐句(Phrases),旨在激发新的想法,让你快速进入创作平台。


Leap 是一种超快速、有趣的循环演奏和操纵方式。激发新鲜想法,散发富有表现力的表演效果,或只是 Jam。全新的 Leap Expansions 系列为你的采样集注入全新活力,或者尝试一些全新的乐器,从 12 款专为特定流派和风格而设计的套装开始。


Conflux 是用于实验性声音设计的新型 Kontakt 乐器中的第一款。使用原创的 PPG 波表和 FM、相位调制和环形调制等技术,实时叠加有机和合成采样,并为静态声音添加动态运动。


Kontakt 的 Factory Library 包含了数百种精心采样的乐器音源。开始使用大量可演奏和可调整的声学和电子选项,包括来自 Orchestral Tools 的著名音源库,以及 Hybrid Keys。


所有你喜爱的 Kontakt 乐器都在这里制作。强大的功能集使 Kontakt 成为世界各地乐器开发人员的首选,而且它还增加了增强的合成器功能,包括实时波表、频率调制和环形调制振荡器。


KONTAKT 8 The virtual instrument platform reinvented.
Imagine any sound – Kontakt lets you find it, create it, and transform it. The latest edition of our revolutionary sampling platform combines a brand-new set of intelligent tools with countless sound design options, redefining how you generate ideas and make music. A huge choice of sound. Kontakt hosts the world’s largest range of virtual instruments. With thousands of libraries, it’s the gateway to quality sound from Native Instruments, our official partners, and scores of indie developers. Plus, everything is completely tweakable, so you can make any sound your own.

A huge choice of sound
Kontakt hosts the world’s largest range of virtual instruments. With thousands of libraries, it’s the gateway to quality sound from Native Instruments, our official partners, and scores of indie developers. Plus, everything is completely tweakable, so you can make any sound your own.

What’s new in Kontakt 8?
Our most feature-packed release yet is here to transform the way you generate, modulate, and playback sound. Plus, it’s packed with performance updates so you can work faster than ever.

Smash writer’s block
Tools add a completely new layer of creative features to get the ideas flowing. And they work with any Kontakt instrument, old and new. For our first drop, we’re launching MIDI content and randomization features with Chords and Phrases, designed to spark new ideas and get you in the zone fast.

Fast and fun loop control
Leap is an ultra-fast and playful way to play and manipulate loops. Spark fresh ideas, sprinkle in expressive performance effects, or just jam. Breathe new life into your sample collection or try something totally fresh with our new Leap Expansions series, starting with 12 curated packs for specific genres and styles.

Get going with hundreds of included instruments
Kontakt’s Factory Library comes packed with over hundreds of meticulously sampled instruments. Get started with a huge playable and tweakable selection of acoustic and electronic options, including the renowned collection from Orchestral Tools, plus Hybrid Keys.

Dream it, build it
All your favorite Kontakt instruments are built right here. The powerful feature set makes Kontakt the first choice for instrument developers worldwide, and it just got even bigger with enhanced synth capabilities, including real-time wavetable, frequency modulation, and ring modulation oscillators.



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