
Excite Audio Motion Dimension v1.0.1

Windows dsgsd 2浏览 0评论

Motion: Dimension是一款探索声音的工具,通过将复杂的双延迟和混响结合在一起,提供动态且响应迅速的声音设计。Motion: Dimension提供直观的六边形控制器,无缝集成复杂的延迟线与丰富的混响,提供从细微的回声到广阔的声景效果。

Motion: Dimension能做什么:

  • 使用双延迟创作复杂的律动Pattern
  • 平滑混合板式混响和大厅混响,打造变化的空间感
  • 反向延迟,设计惊奇的音效
  • 增强氛围效果,提供迷人的质感
  • 为单声道声音添加创意空间复杂性
  • 进行试验性串联和并联效果路由
  • 通过3D反应对象来查看声音效果

18.76 MB

Reverb and Delay combine with an interactive sound-shaping experience
designed to add movement to your audio.

Craft intricate rhythmic patterns with dual delays.

Blend smoothly between plate and hall reverbs for evolving spaces.

Reverse delays for mind-bending sound design.

Enhance atmospheres with mesmerising textures.

Give mono sounds creative spatial complexity.

Experiment with series and parallel effects routing.

Visualise your sound with a 3D reactive object.


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