
LINQPad Premium 8.6.4

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一款 .NET 程序开发工具。不仅适用于 LINQ 查询,还适用于任何 C#/F#/VB 表达式、语句块或程序。 结束数以百计的 Visual Studio 控制台项目弄乱您的源文件夹,加入 LINQPad 脚本编写器和增量开发人员的革命。引用你自己的程序集和 NuGet 包。在 LINQPad 中制作您的想法原型,然后将工作代码粘贴到 Visual Studio 中。或者直接从命令行调用脚本。体验 LINQPad 丰富的输出格式、可选的调试器和自动完成功能,以及动态开发和即时反馈的魔力!

File Size: 38 MB

LINQPad is not just for LINQ queries, but any C#/F#/VB expression, statement block or program. Put an end to those hundreds of Visual Studio Console projects cluttering your source folder and join the revolution of LINQPad scripters and incremental developers.

Reference your own assemblies and NuGet packages. Prototype your ideas in LINQPad and then paste working code into Visual Studio. Or call your scripts directly from the command-line.
Experience LINQPad’s rich output formatting, optional debugger and autocompletion, and the magic of dynamic development and instant feedback!

Tired of Querying in Antiquated SQL?
Well, you don’t have to! With LINQPad, you can interactively query databases in a modern query language: LINQ. LINQPad includes an optimized engine to build typed data contexts on the fly, and includes drivers and formatters for

SQL Server, SQL Azure, SQL CE, Oracle, SQLite, PostgreSQL and MySQL
Azure Table Storage & Azure Metadata
Entity Framework Core custom contexts
Microsoft Reactive Extensions and LINQ to Logs & Traces
OData and SharePoint
Third-party ORMs including Mindscape LightSpeed, DevArt’s LinqConnect, LLBLGen, DevExpress eXpress Persistent Objects and DevForce

LINQPad also supports all the LINQ APIs in the .NET Framework, including LINQ to XML, PLINQ, Entity Framework and LINQ to SQL.

LINQPad 7 supports C# 10 and targets .NET 6, .NET 5 and .NET Core 3.1.


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