
Deadfall Adventures Heart Of Atlantis PSN PS3-DUPLEX

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Nordic Games和The Farm 51公司共同公布了最新游戏《致命冒险(Deadfall Adventures)》,这是一个惊险刺激又让人身临其境的动作冒险游戏,同时游戏还无缝衔接了第一人称射击和解谜探索体验,Nordic Games有史以来最具野心的这款游戏将带领玩家跨越整个地球。

游戏发生在1938年,詹姆斯·李·科尔特曼( James Lee Quatermain)是一个具有众多天分的男人,然而花钱大手大脚也是他众多品质之一。他还是护送他的前大学同学,美国特工珍妮佛·古德温(Jennifer Goodwin)前往一座埃及古庙群去取回一个古老的艺术品:亚特兰蒂斯之心。他对这趟旅行并没有特别用心,也不相信这件久具盛名的艺术品会有多么高的价值,就连纳粹的秘密部门Ahnenerbe也在寻找亚特兰蒂斯之心这件事,科尔特曼也不在乎。




Description: The year is 1938. James Lee Quatermain is a man of many talents, yet holding on to money isn’t one of them. Quatermain isn’t all too keen on escorting Jennifer Goodwin, a US agent and former colleague of his, to an Egyptian temple complex in order to retrieve an ancient artifact – The Heart of Atlantis. Neither does he believe in the reputed invigorating qualities of this artifact, nor does he care that a division of the Ahnenerbe, the Nazi department specialized in the occult, is after The Heart as well. But life has its ways of changing one’s perspective. Quatermain soon finds himself part of a hunt across the globe – from the stormy deserts of Egypt to the icy depths of the Arctic and all the way to the steaming jungles of Guatemala.

An enhanced experience for PlayStation 3 owners, Deadfall Adventures: Heart of Atlantis includes tons of new and exclusive content as well as significant gameplay improvements. Graphics have been fully upgraded, and gameplay has been tweaked with new location and secrets to explore as well as new boss fights, new cutscenes, an improved leveling system, a new flashlight burst attack, and a new notepad system for all-around smoother and more involving gameplay. Also features in this edition of Deadfall Adventures is an exclusive Survival/Co-op DLC mode with two additional maps.


  • Classic “Action / Adventure” gameplay from a first-person perspective. Combining the fast paced action of intense gun battles with adventure gameplay that rewards players for exploring, solving puzzles and by “taking the road less travelled”
  • Traveller’s equipment: compass, treasure maps, notebook and flashlight – necessary to solve ancient puzzles, find treasures and even fight with certain type of enemies
  • Using environmental traps to eliminate enemies in many spectacular ways
  • Exotic, picturesque locations from around the world – Egypt, Arctic and forgotten Mayan ruins
  • Compelling story faithful to the spirit of classic adventure movies
  • 1930′s stylization (weapons, fashion, music, vehicles etc.)
  • Unique multiplayer Treasure Hunt matches based on using traps and weapons

Publisher: The Farm 51
Developer: The Farm 51
Genre: 3D, Shooter, Action, Team-Based, First-Person

Release Name: Deadfall.Adventures.Heart.Of.Atlantis.PSN.PS3-DUPLEX
Size: 2.66 GB
Links: GamespotNFO

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