DataKit CrossManager是一款独立运行的 CAD 文件格式转换工具,不依赖其他任何 CAD 软件。通过它,你可以将你的 CAx(格式包括prt.sttp,asm,SETP等等,几乎支持所有的CAD软件格式,具体如下面所述) 文件轻松地转换为各种格式。
DataKit CrossManager 2015.x | 78.8 mb
Datakit, a leading CAD data exchange company, has released update of 2015 version CrossManager is a Stand Alone software that converts files from most CAD formats. With Cross Manager, You just have to select a CAD file in the software for convert it automatically in the format you need.
About Datakit
Created in 1994 by Francis Cadin, former GOSET’s consultant and STEP expert from ISO, Datakit is the leader in the CAD data exchange market. Based in Lyon (France), Datakit has offices in Marseille and Carcassonne too.
Name: DataKit CrossManager
Version: 2015.4.0 with Plugins (version 15.4)
Home: http://www.datakit.com
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7even / 8 / 8.1
Size: 259.9 mb
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