
CHAOS In the Darkness-ALiAS

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  《黑暗中的混沌(CHAOS – In the Darkness)》是4Realms制作发行的一款角色扮演游戏。从白雪覆盖的Njördiack山峰到广阔的Ha-Dys大陆,这个曾经充满希望的国度现在正陷入混沌之中。堕落之神Methem从深渊之中释放出混沌,蔓延至整个世界,并演变成一种可怕的疾病,吞噬着Silmerie人民的灵魂。虽然人类看似要灭亡了,但上帝赠与了人类最后一件礼物 – 能反抗混沌的武器。

“From snow capped peaks of Njördiack to the wide, stretched lands of Ha-Dys, this country once full of promise was now in the grip of Chaos. Released from Deepholm by the felon god Methem, Chaos has spread to the world as a disease, devouring the souls of the peoples of the Silmerie.

In a final burst of courage, the armies of five kingdoms joined forces and swooped down on the ruins of Branilv at the heart of the region Ymar. This was where the world of Men had cracked, releasing Chaos from its jail of darkness. But brave warriors fought a too powerful enemy, indifferent to steel and fire. When the last of them finally died, the king Meldorian realized that the world was entering so dark times that the light itself will be forgotten. Secluded in the white stone fortress which overlook Rhianon, the proud city of Silme, he contemplated his kingdom one last time before that Chaos spreads its shadow on.

But although humanity seemed to prepare for death, the gods offered men a last present: the weapons to fight.
In a few days, the same stories began to travel throughout the Silmerie.

Thus, it was told that a disciple of Brohmar became in flames while praying and hadn’t suffered any burns, or that a Paladin of Nerhacte had fully healed a dying person. In Agrimaar, a disciple of Aelien seemed able to completely disappear into the shadows while in Ha-Dys, a scribe of Stabia could freeze time within a few seconds! It was even said that a woman had resurrected her husband by praying Yshante.

The gods had offered to men some powers and extraordinary abilities, but for what purpose ?
To stand in the way of Chaos… and perhaps win ?

The story will tell.

Your story.”

Publisher: 4Realms
Developer: 4Realms
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG

Release name: CHAOS.In.the.Darkness-ALiAS
Size: 178MB
Links: HomepageSteamNTiNFO

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