
ObjectRescue Pro 6.13 Build 1031

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ObjectRescue Pro 6.12 Build 1025

ObjectRescue Pro采用创新的恢复算法和先进的数据恢复功能,使您可以搜索各种文件类型,包括音乐文件,图像,视频,文件,邮件。ObjectRescue专业恢复丢失的数据,从多媒体设备 – 数码相机,录音机, MP3和WMA播放器, PC, PDA和移动电话。大范围支持的文件格式:DOC, XLS, ZIP ,RAR, JPEG, AVI, MOV ,MP3 ,WMA , WAV,等。支持的硬盘驱动器, CF卡( I / II型) ,IBM微型硬盘, SmartMedia卡,多媒体卡(MMC) ,安全数码卡(SD) ,记忆棒以及任何其他存储设备,

ObjectRescue Pro 6.13 Build 1031 | 5.9 MB

ObjectRescue Pro features innovative recovery algorithms and contains advanced data recovery capabilities that allow you to search various file types including music files, images, video, documents, mail or just about anything. As you know, modern digital devices allow files to be erased and the space on the media reused. So sometimes your data gets erased or crippled, either by physical damage to the media (e.g. a flash card crash), or because someone clicked the wrong button. Through momentary carelessness, valuable files can be lost in an instant. The media can also be bulk-erased or formatted, removing everything from the storage media. Of course you don’t want to lose your priceless data. And there it is our ObjectRescue Pro is here to easily, quickly and absolutely reliably reconstruct the missing files.

Program features
– Recovers deleted and corrupted files
– Recovers data from formatted media
– Recovers data from corrupted media
– Supports all formats of multimedia, archive and document files *
– Supports all formats of media used by digital devices
– Works with all digital devices and card readers
– Easy to use, intuitive wizard-driven interface
– Supports all modern Windows versions, including Windows® NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7
– and many more!

Home Pagehttp://www.essentialdatatools.com/products/objectrescuepro/

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