
Cold Dreams-PLAZA

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《寒冷梦境(Cold Dreams)》是mm5, Winter Bloom制作的一款冒险解谜游戏。游戏主角每天都会做同一个梦,但是这次他醒不来了。他发现自己被困在了梦境里,在别无选择之下,他决定探索这个寒冷又恐怖的梦境。他唯一的希望是一个神秘的光球,最终会把他引导至梦境的深处。或许这个奇怪的光球是来引导他醒来的,但…真的是这样吗?结果将取决于你的选择!但是请小心,你最大的敌人或许就是你自己的恐惧。


The protagonist of this game has a dream, which he sees every night, but this time, he can not wake up. He realizes that he’s trapped in his own dream, and has no choice but to go through the cold and fear of his nightmare. The only hope of the protagonist is to follow a mysterious glowing sphere that, eventually, will lead him into the depths of his terrible dream, while leaving him frightening notes.
Maybe, this strange orb is guiding the protagonist to his awakening…but is everything…as it seems?
All will depend on your decisions!
Be careful, your main enemy can very well be, your own fear…


  • terrible, scary and cold atmosphere
  • multiple endings
  • simple but enjoyable gameplay
  • good graphic
  • english voice acting

Publisher: Winter Bloom
Developer: mm5, Winter Bloom
Genre: Adventure, Indie

Release name: Cold.Dreams-PLAZA
Size: 1.42GB

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