
AceBIT WISE-FTP Server 9.0

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Wise-FTP 是一个强大的FTP客户端软件,它可以让你连接到任何FTP服务器去下载或上载文件,用WISE-FTP你可以快速、容易地管理文件,而不必知道FTP是如何工作的,这使得WISE-FTP成为web管理者有规律地更新网站的一个完美工具。 这位 FTP 客户端提供安全的证明和文件传输,同步传输,文件,目录的同步化和断点续传。包括被集成的 HTML 编辑。使用调度表,你能够将你所有的例行任务列表,诸如援助向上和更新网址。也跟 Windows 浏览器成一体。

AceBIT WISE-FTP Server 9.0 | 12.0 MB

WISE-FTP is a powerful FTP client – an application that enables you to connect to any FTP server and download or upload files and directories. You can use WISE-FTP to transfer your files quickly and easily, without having in-depth knowledge about how FTP (File Transfer Protocol) works.

WISE-FTP highlights:
• Connect to any FTP site!
• Intuitive user interface: Work on remote sites as if they were local files and directories, in an interface similar to Windows Explorer!
• Every feature you need to easily manage your FTP servers is available here: delete, rename, copy, change or set properties of remote files and directories, and much more!
• Drag & drop files and directories between the local and remote system.
• Secure authentication and file transfer: Use the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) or FTPS (FTP/SSL) protocol for maximum security.
• A configuration wizard helps you with the configuration.
• Simultaneous transfer of multiple files to one or more FTP servers in the background!
• Macro recorder for the recording of frequently used sequences of commands.
• User-defined shortcuts for program functions: Assign your own shortcuts to different program functions.
• Integrated HTML editor allows for direct editing of files on the remote system: modify HTML or text files directly on the FTP server.
• Import FTP accounts directly from your provider with the click of your mouse, without manually entering a URL, password or user name (note: this feature is presently only supported by 1&1 and Schlund & Partner).
• Optional encryption (RijnDael 128, 192, and 256 bits, BlowFish, TripleDES, as well as PGP) and compression of files prior to or after transfer for improved security and faster transfer.
• Manage and arrange any number of remote sites in well-structured directories.
• File quick view using the integrated file viewer or the associated Windows application!
• WISE-FTP Task Planner! Schedule your transfers using this new easy-to-use tool!
• Windows Explorer Integration: Use the most important Windows Explorer program features!
• Synchronize folders and subfolders between the local and remote system.
• Move files and directories directly to the remote system without downloading to the local system first.
• Remember transfer tasks! Save recurring transfers and reload them with a few mouse clicks.
• File search on the remote site.
• Add and organize favorites
• Edit files directly on the remote system (using the internal or an external editor; file is uploaded again after editing).
• Carry out file operations (create, delete files/directories, etc.) on the local system.
• Mask to upload and download files.
• Assign sounds to various commands and events.
• Search and find in log files.
• More details in the transfer window (transfer time, speed, etc.).
• Icons for files.
• Multiple selection in the directory trees of the local and remote systems.
• Editable path field for fast navigation.
• Enter a file name when using quick connection to download a single file.
• Account name for server configuration.
• Load transfer tasks from a file.
• Live update ensures that your software is always up-to-date!
• Fully customizable thanks to countless options and parameters!
• Synchronize directories between the local and remote system without having to transfer files individually!
• Multilingual user interface – switch between English, German and French with a few mouse clicks.
• And lots of other useful features.

OS : Windows XP/2003/Vista/7/2008/2012/8/10
Language : English

Home Pagehttp://www.wise-ftp.com/

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