
LMS Imagine.LAB AMESim R14.1

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凭借丰富的专用库,LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim在实际上消除大量的建模需要,节省了大量的时间。 由于特定应用的仿真,工程师可以评估多个物理域的各个子系统。 这样的设计和工程团队可以仔细平衡产品性能,根据各种品牌关键属性,昂贵和费时的样机测试前达到最佳的设计方式。 ,由于LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim的实际frontloads系统仿真在开发周期的早期,它真正让关键任务设计功能,推动新产品的开发。

LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim提供一个完整的一维仿真平台来对多领域智能系统进行建模和分析, 并预言其多学科专业耦合性能。模型中的元件通过代表系统中的液压,气动,电和机械性能的解析模型来描述。在LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim里,用户使用整套的经过验证的应用库来建立系统的仿真模型, 这些应用库是由来自不同的物理领域的预先定义好的元件所组成。该软件可以建立基于物理原理的系统模型而无需完整的三维几何描述。这种方法使得LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim可以远在给出详细的CAD几何图形前模拟智能系统性能.

LMS Imagine.LAB AMESim R14.1 | 3.9 Gb

LMS, a leading provider of test and mechatronic simulation software and engineering services in the automotive, aerospace and other advanced manufacturing industries, has released the R14.1 version of LMS Imagine.LAB AMESim, is integrated simulation platform for multi-domain mechatronic systems simulation.

LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim offers engineers an integrated simulation platform to accurately predict the multidisciplinary performance of intelligent systems. LMS Amesim enables you to model, simulate and analyze multi-domain controlled systems and offers plant modeling capabilities to connect to controls design helping you assess and validate control strategies.

LMS AMESim allows test frontloading, which saves time and costs. The solution also addresses multiple challenges of smart systems engineering. Combining the best of mechatronic systems simulation and application expertise, this integrated simulation platform aids companies in making the right choices earlier in the design process and provides higher quality results in a shorter time.

LMS Imagine.LAB AMESim R14.1

About LMS

LMS is a leading provider of test and mechatronic simulation software and engineering services in the automotive, aerospace and other advanced manufacturing industries. As a business segment within Siemens PLM Software, LMS provides a unique portfolio of products and services for manufacturing companies to manage the complexities of tomorrow’s product development by incorporating model-based mechatronic simulation and advanced testing in the product development process. LMS tunes into mission-critical engineering attributes, ranging from system dynamics, structural integrity and sound quality to durability, safety and power consumption. With multi-domain and mechatronic simulation solutions, LMS addresses the complex engineering challenges associated with intelligent system design and model-based systems engineering. Thanks to its technology and more than 1250 dedicated people, LMS has become the partner of choice of more than 5000 manufacturing companies worldwide. LMS operates in more than 30 key locations around the world.

Name: LMS Imagine.LAB AMESim
Version: R14.1
Home: http://www.plm.automation.siemens.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7even / 8 / 8.1
Size: 3.9 Gb

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