Delphi XE5
针对Android和iOS 的易于学习的应用开发
Embarcadero? Delphi? XE5是易于学习的应用开发,适合构建针对Android和iOS 的真正原生应用、并将它们迅速应用到应用商店和企业的团队。使用相同源代码库构建应用,无需牺牲应用质量、连通性或性能。通过原生的Android 和iOS 支持,延伸到世界上规模最大的可访问的移动市场。
真正原生的Android和 iOS支持
用唯一的开发平台就可以为智能手机和平板电脑开发应用,使您能够利用单一源代码库创建针对 Android和iOS的真正原生应用。您用Delphi XE5创建的应用可以访问常见的移动设备传感器和服务,并且通过原生 GPU和CPU 支持,交付最佳应用性能。了解更多 >
当您使用Delphi 进行多设备应用开发时,您不需要维护多个开发项目,就可以在多个平台(Android、iOS、Windows、和OS X)上原生为多个设备(PC机、平板电脑和智能手机)交付您的应用。真正原生的应用开发允许您交付不含脚本的原生应用,直接全速运行在设备CPU 上 – 所以您可以创建使用者喜欢的、速度更快、更丰富的应用。了解更多 >
RAD 多设备应用平台
随着支持实时通信和访问企业数据与云端服务的需要,当今的移动应用开发往往远远超出设备范围之外。Delphi的多设备应用平台使得开发人员针对多客户端操作系统和设备形状因素,可以交付真正相关的移动计算,从设备直到后端服务。通过FireDAC 企业数据库连接、DataSnap n 层中间件、以及通过MBaaS 提供者访问基于云端的RESTful web服务,迅速连接您的应用到内部部署或云端中的您企业数据库和服务。了解更多 >
通过可扩展和可重用的可视化组件,设计并开发您的应用,用于更快速和高度可维护的开发。Delphi的快速原型法允许您创建可以直接运行在目标设备上的可视化原型, 所以您可以结合反馈,然后将您的应用迅速应用到市场。可视化开发、易于学习的编程语言和内置式的企业类数据库支持,使您用较少的编码工作就能够交付令人印象深刻的结果。了解更多 >
许多应用开发供应商通过使用脚本语言和运行时能够进行多平台开发,使得移动设备成为臭名昭著的黑客目标,并且呈现固有的安全风险。通过Delphi,您可以获得真正原生的应用开发,所以您的代码直接运行在设备上,减少了第三方攻击的风险。了解更多 >
Embarcadero Delphi XE5 Lite | 2.2 Gb
Delphi XE5 is a must-have upgrade for all Delphi developers and is the newest version of the award winning, multi-device app development solution from Embarcadero.
Use the new features of Delphi XE5 to deliver apps Android, iOS, Windows and OS X. Target PCs, tablets and smartphones, connect with more data, more easily – and much more!
New Features in Delphi XE5
– Delphi Android ARM compiler for device and emulator
– FM platform for creating native Android applications for Gingerbread (2.3.3 – 2.3.7), Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.3, 4.0.4) and Jelly Bean (4.1.x, 4.2.x, 4.3.x). Supported devices.
– iOS 7 SDK support and Styles
– Time Picker control for Android, iOS, Windows and OS X
– Notification Center component for Android and iOS
– Built-in search filtering for TListView on Android, iOS, Windows and OS X
– Swipe to delete on Android and iOS
– Share sheet support on Android and iOS
– FM Platform performance optimizations
– Delphi RTL for Android
– Deployment Manager for Android
– Deploy apps to the emulator for Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean
– Deploy apps to Android devices (Debug / App Store)
– Remote debugging for Android
– Professional edition includes expanded FireDAC support for local databases, including Microsoft Access database, SQLite database, InterBase ToGo / IBLite, InterBase on localhost, MySQL Embedded, MySQL Server on localhost, Advantage Database local engine, PostgreSQL on localhost, Firebird Embedded, and Firebird on localhost
– IBLite embeddable database for Android and iOS with free unlimited deployment license
– REST Client support for simplified invocation of REST services
– Authorization support including Basic Authentication, Plan Authentication, OAuth1, OAuth2
– TRestClient, TRestRequest, and TRestResponse components
– REST Debugger tool for testing REST calls and their parameters
– Multi-select in the Deployment Manager
– IDE Insight now available as a search box in the upper right corner of the IDE
– Device Manager to manage and select the default device in the FM Mobile Form designer
… and more!
About Embarcadero Technologies
Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. is a leading provider of award-winning tools for application developers and database professionals so they can design systems right, build them faster and run them better, regardless of their platform or programming language. Ninety of the Fortune 100 and an active community of more than three million users worldwide rely on Embarcadero products to increase productivity, reduce costs, simplify change management and compliance, and accelerate innovation. Founded in 1993, Embarcadero is headquartered in San Francisco, with offices located around the world.
Name: Embarcadero Delphi XE5
Version: (32bit) 19.0.13476.4176 Lite
Home: www.embarcadero.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8
Size: 2.2 Gb
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Embarcadero.Delphi.XE5.Lite.part1.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/32458508
Embarcadero.Delphi.XE5.Lite.part2.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/32458509
Embarcadero.Delphi.XE5.Lite.part3.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/32458510
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