
ExtraChm 1.5.3

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ExtraChm 1.5.3
ExtraChm 1.5.3 | 3.7 MB

ExtraChm is a useful and easy to use application designed to help users read their favorite eBooks. ExtraCHM offers handy tools for navigation, search, and eBook reading. With ExtraChm you may view documents in a modern multi-tabbed interface, bookmark pages and text selections, improve readability by changing the size of the text even for fixed size texts.

Free Features of ExtraCHM

Multi-tabbed user interface
Bookmarks on pages and text selections
Decompiling of chm file. This converts chm to html
Changing the size of the text even for fixed size texts
Zoom of entire content
Application view styles
Print and save of document pages

Features Available for Registered Users

Advanced search
Introduces search results in a way Google Search does
Does not require search index presence in CHM file
Supports CHM files of any language
Text To Speech
Reads chm documents in natural voices
Uses Microsoft SAPI 5.1

Home Pagehttp://www.extrachm.com/

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