
Road Redemption-CODEX

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《公路救赎(Road Redemption)》是Pixel Dash Studios, EQ制作发行的一款赛车竞速游戏。您可以带领您的摩托车队来场史诗般的旅程,在全国各地进行史诗般的冒险战斗。一路上,透过完成竞速比赛、暗杀,抢劫和其他挑战来赚取金钱。收集到战利品时,您的角色、摩托车、以及武器都会升级。

以 100 英里的时速骑着摩托车、同时试图用管子打人是很危险的举动,可能很快丧命。幸运的是,每次您死亡,您收集的经验值都可以用来升级您的角色、摩托车和武器。在多人模式下,您可以跟朋友一起搭档,或是与他们对尬。一切都由您决定。

《公路救赎》发生在由残酷独裁者统治的劫后世界。Mad Max的粉丝应该会感到很熟悉。经过多年的街头血战,该国的摩托车帮派勉强进入休战期。当该国最富有的军火贩子被暗杀时,和平就此结束,神秘刺客被以 1500 万美元悬赏。您和帮派成员可以去追逐刺客以获得奖金,但您必须先穿越敌方阵营。该国的每个摩托车队都想要一这笔 1500 万美元的赏金,他们会毫不犹豫的处理掉那些造成阻碍的人。

Driving a motorcycle at 100 mph while trying to hit someone with a pipe is dangerous, and death can come quickly. Fortunately, every time you die, all the experience you’ve collected can be used to upgrade your character, your bike, and your weapons.

In the multiplayer mode, you can work with your friends or let out some road rage on them. It’s up to you.


  • Single player campaign fully playable in multiplayer mode.
  • Tons of brutal weapons. This is more Twisted Metal than it is Mario Kart
  • 4-player splitscreen co-op.
  • Online Multiplayer
  • Massive, expandable skill tree. Rack in the loot to upgrade your character, your bike, and your weapons.
  • A deep motorcycle fighting system with grabs, kicks, counters, critical strikes, and more.
  • Full support for both mouse & keyboard and gamepad control configurations.

Developer: Pixel Dash Studios, EQ
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Racing, Simulation

Release name: Road.Redemption-CODEX
Size 3.77GB

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