
MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 13 x64

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MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 13
CONNECT Edition 将继承 Bentley 的 V8i 软件,支持用于综合项目交付的混合计算环境并覆盖到所有项目参与方。
MicroStationCONNECT Edition 已提供给早期使用参与方,而许多 ProjectWise CONNECT Edition 服务和 Navigator CONNECT Edition 应用程序将于今年年底开放早期使用。由于 DGN 文件格式没有改变,V8i 建模应用程序可以与 MicroStation CONNECT Edition 和 ProjectWise CONNECT Edition 兼容互用。Bentley CONNECT Edition 的建模应用程序和 AssetWise 产品将于 2015 年和 2016 年发布。
CONNECT Edition 集成了 Bentley 的平台技术,可支持覆盖桌面建模应用程序、云服务、本地服务器和移动应用程序的混合环境。CONNECT Edition 利用微软的 Azure 云服务来连接项目中的所有用户。Azure 也支持今年年初成功引入的 CONNECT SELECT 服务,用于将 SELECT Open Access 完整产品组合通过季度许可推广到所有 Bentley 订户。Azure 云服务为 CONNECT Edition 用户提供无限计算节点的即时访问,使其实现前所未有的、切实可行的工程优化选取,从而获得更好的设计成果并最终提高资产绩效。另外,通过 Azure,Bentley MANAGEservices 提供了对所有ProjectWise 服务的即时访问。
对于每个用户来说,CONNECT Edition 针对每个参与方的项目角色,提供了个性化的应用及应用程序的 Bentley Playlist™,并附有个性化学习路径和及时建议。Bentley CONNECTIONS Passport 经过验证后,可跨用户的混合计算环境,提供对 ProjectWise 和 AssetWise 服务和软件的访问。例如,Bentley 的 Navigator CONNECT Edition “应用程序”为 Windows、Android 和 iOS 用户(无论在办公室、工地和现场之间进行信息传递时使用的是巨大触摸屏,还是手持设备)提供相同的身临其境的“亲自实践”界面。
对于每个项目来说,CONNECT Edition 提供了项目特定的 Bentley Playbook™,用于推荐符合项目配置文件的相应应用程序和应用,从而完全满足项目需求并支持每个参与方的角色。除了从项目特定的工作区获得的益处外,每个项目还可以基于云提供相关功能组件目录和托管规范,以在整个综合项目交付和交接中进行整合和引用。
Bentley 软件的高级副总裁 Bhupinder Singh 称,“借助 CONNECT Edition,我们本质上主张提供的软件和服务中嵌入基于云的功能,以通过新的‘连接用户体验’促进项目发展。CONNECT Edition 的云服务跨越现有的和不断改进的计算环境,使得 Bentley 创新带来的优势超越传统建模用户的范畴,贯穿到整个供应链和施工中。CONNECT Edition 通过整合,可随时随地促进正确的项目贡献者之间的信息移动化。接下来的几年里,CONNECT Edition 将助力 Bentley 软件和用户发挥 BIM 发展的所有潜能,实现项目交付。
CONNECT Edition 为支持综合项目交付开辟了新天地,将设计建模、分析建模和施工建模贯穿到整个处于连接模式项目的体验中。CONNECT Edition 扩展了 Bentley 在设计整合和工作共享方面的市场领先产品,如今已将交付管理和施工执行囊括在内。为了确保信息完整性、统一多专业项目团队和提高项目绩效,CONNECT Edition 对综合项目交付必不可少的方方面面进行了空前的整合:
·通用项目环境 – CONNECT Edition 超出设计集成服务范围,将 ProjectWise 功能延伸到了整个项目生态系统。ProjectWise Connection Services 连接所有项目参与方,通过项目配置文件、授权、项目 playbooks 和各种学习途径支持基于云的协作。而ProjectWise Sharing Service 允许合作组织联合各自被分配的 ProjectWise 环境。ProjectWise Catalog Service 支持项目特定的托管规范和功能组件的目录。新的应用基于移动 i-model 提供可视化和可见性,实现了基于现场的工作流程。Bentley Navigator CONNECT Edition为现场用户提供了新的托管问题解决服务,帮助其解决碰撞和施工项目现场验收单。ProjectWise WorkSite CONNECT Edition 实现了与最新项目文档的托管连接,为现场工作者提供了审查和修订功能。
·通用建模环境 – CONNECT Edition 独家实现了跨专业工作,在工业规模项目迭代协作功能方面实现了突破,支持设计建模、分析建模和施工建模。在 Bentley 旗舰版建模应用程序 MicroStation CONNECT Edition 中引入了全新的直观用户体验。其功能正被融入到每个即将推出的 CONNECT Edition 建模应用程序中。如今,所有的CONNECT Edition 建模应用程序均能支持功能组件,这些功能组件是以参数定义的,在原理图、建模和交付实例化之间具备相应背景行为的智能对象。为不断提高STAAD、SACS 和其他应用程序的计算密集型分析建模,ProjectWise Scenario Services 实现了云配置工程优化选取。
·通用交付环境 – 文档中心,是 MicroStationCONNECT Edition 的新功能,允许项目参与方第一时间跨专业整合、发布和共享一致且集中的可交付成果。ProjectWise Deliverables Management 为管理传输、提交文件和 RFI 提供即时云服务。ProjectWise Transformation Service 为项目和现场工作人员管理自动发布、 i-model 基于工作流驱动的交付和标准化内容。
·通用数据环境 – ProjectWise Engineering Content Management Service 嵌入 Bentley 的 eB Information Management 技术,为项目交付组织提供了功能强大的企业环境,可捕捉、管理、索引和利用其在所有项目和方案中的知识产权。ProjectWise Engineering Content Management 对它所管理的任何信息都要进行关系维护和信息变更维护,无论其是模型、文档还是数据库记录中的信息。此外,用户组织还可以通过 Bentley 应用程序中嵌入的用户自定义托管形式,支持现场、网站和其他双向数据捕获工作流。

·通用绩效环境 – 项目绩效仪表盘,ProjectWise CONNECTIONS Service,将提供详见的分析、报表和财务管理,从而提高项目交付进度和状态的可见性。

MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 13 | 5.7 Gb

The MicroStation CONNECT Edition team is pleased to announce the availability of MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 13. This version continues to focus on frequently requested features and continues to deliver improvements with stability and performance.

What’s New and Resolved Issues in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 13

The MicroStation CONNECT Edition Team examined and resolved many issues across multiple areas for MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 13. In addition to resolving User defects that have been listed below, we would like to highlight a few key areas that were focused on for this release.

The key drivers were:
– Performance
– Usability
– Functionality

From a usability and functionality standpoint, you will see improvements in the time to open and list properties in the Properties dialog and the introduction of the V8i Task Theme to help with the user experience of users moving from V8i to MicroStation CONNECT Edition.

In regard to Performance, large files (~600MB and larger) will have improved opening times that can be potentially be exponential when compared to MicroStation V8i SELECTSeries 10. Please keep your eyes on Bentley Communities for Blog posts on this and other performance related topics.

In the area of Visualization, improvements have been made to Material and Mapping handling, improvements to the LumenRT Exporter and a new PBR (Physically Based Rendering) content library.

RealDWG 2019 in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 13 is now supported from a file open and save standpoint. In addition, performance improvements have been made when opening DWG files with ACIS Solids.

From the Modeling area, the MicroStation Team resolved critical issues with the legacy solids modeling tools resulting in smoother workflow and operation. Also improved interactions between Parametric Solids with normal solids manipulation tools. Please look forward to upcoming Blog posts on this topic

Support for Windows Server 2019 has also been added from a supported Operating System standpoint.

The latest generation of MicroStation-based platform products are called the Connect Edition, taking over from the previous generation V8i. Bentley has dabbled with Microsoft naming conventions (95) to straight versioning over the years, this represents a break from all previous branding.

MicroStation’s advanced parametric 3D modeling capabilities allow infrastructure professionals of any discipline to deliver data-driven, BIM-ready models. Your team can aggregate their work on MicroStation, including designs and models created with Bentley’s discipline specific BIM applications. As a result, you can create comprehensive, multi-discipline BIM models, documentation, and other deliverables. Since your project team will work in a universal modeling application, they can communicate easily to share intelligent deliverables and maintain the full integrity of your data.

MicroStation and all Bentley BIM applications are built on the same comprehensive modeling platform. You therefore can easily progress your MicroStation work into discipline specific workflows with Bentley’s design and analytical modeling BIM applications. With this flexibility, each member of your project team has exactly the right application for the work they need to do.

In this MicroStation training video we review how to use MicroStation CONNECT Edition. We open an existing project to show where to find tools and how to navigate in the project. We review how to switch between Cartesian and Polar coordinates and how to place points and lines in the model. With our lines in place, we use solids modeling to extrude our simple building shape, modify the solid and choose our display style.

Bentley Systems, Incorporated. is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

Product: MicroStation
Version: CONNECT Edition Update 13 (version
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.bentley.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 5.7 Gb


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