
CADprofi 2021.03 x64 Multilingual

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CADprofi 是一款专业的参数化 CAD 应用程序,帮助您大幅度加快设计工作。该软件拥有一个十分人性化的简便界面,使您在无需进行任何昂贵的软件培训的情况下,立即充分使用该软件的功能。CADprofi 在建筑师和工程师中非常流行。在工作中偶尔接触 CAD 绘图,而且没有多少经验的用户也对我们软件的易用性和功能赞不绝口。

建筑师、工程师和设计师都使用 CADprofi 来创建楼房建筑、管道、水暖设施、通风系统、电力供应系统等项目和其他工业技术实施,以及机械和结构性建筑。该应用程序包由以下模块组成:

CADprofi Mechanical:Mechanical 模块拥有一套丰富的标准化部件、钢配件和其他钢制品(基于当地标准和国际标准)。此库含有螺栓、螺钉、垫圈、螺帽、接头、铆钉、嵌钉、角板(L-bar)、锥形槽钢,和用于设计热交换器和其他设备的部件。出色的图表和设计图编辑器有助于创建管道设施和通风系统的绘图。

– CADprofi Architectural:Architectural 模块用于创建施工图、横截面图和正视图。该应用程序提供的简便功能有助于绘制组合墙、标定建筑尺寸、并快速创建绘图说明。该模块自带一个内容全面的对象库,其中包括门、窗、家具和其他室内陈设对象。该应用程序还有一个独特功能,可以设计应急逃生示意图和路线。
– CADprofi HVAC & Piping:HVAC & Piping 模块含有一个对象库,帮助您设计任何类型的装置和设备:HVAC(供暖、通风和空调)、管道、水暖设施、煤气、医疗、防火和制冷装置与设备,以及用于构建建筑和工业应用程序的其他技术实施。该软件拥有的大量功能(例如设计平面图、图表、等距视图和横截面图)允许用户在设计一个复杂的项目时使用一个软件解决方案即可完成任务。
– CADprofi Electrical:Electrical 模块可以用来设计复杂的装置和设备,例如供电、电灯、低电压、电信、安全和天线装置和设备。该软件含有基于最新电器标准的数千符号,以及电灯器具和开关设备等。该应用程序提供一个简单的方式来绘制供电布线和线槽。其中最简便的功能是自动编号电路,以及设计图和图表编辑器。

所有这些应用程序模块都相互兼容,而且可以进行独立安装,或结合任意数量的其他模块一起安装。CADprofi 被开发成一款主要用于二维和等距绘图的工具。按各种行业的众多制造商不断更新的对象库也对三维设计极有帮助。该软件拥有丰富的功能集,适用于从事各级别设计工作的用户:从自动编号和描述系统到生成物料单,以及将数据导出成大量文件格式(包括 doc、xls 和 xml 等)以便进一步编辑。

File size: 918 MB
CADprofi Suite helps in designing architectural and mechanical projects, as well as plumbing and electrical installations.

Examples of using CADprofi Suite:
When designing electrical and HVAC installations, you can first quickly draw building plans using the architectural module.
The rooms defined in the architectural module can be exported to the DIALux program as a ready building outline. Then, lighting fixtures selected in DIALux can be easily imported into the electrical module and afterwards you can easily assign them to appropriate electrical circuits and create specifications. Thanks to this, you can finish a complete project much faster and easier.
In the architectural module you can designate rooms, and then using the Arrange command you can quickly arrange fire detectors, sprinklers and other objects from the electrical and HVAC & Piping modules.
In the mechanical module you can design mounting method for tanks, trays and other objects from the electrical module as well as HVAC & piping systems.
You can design evacuation and fire protection plans, including:
– in the architectural module you can quickly draw building plans and create evacuation, fire protection and safety plans.
– in the electrical module you can design fire detection systems, emergency lighting and other intelligent building and safety systems.
– in the HVAC & Piping module you can design any piping and vent.
installations, including fire extinguishing and smoke venting systems.
In the architectural module you can easily define the technical parameters of the rooms (lighting, ventilation, temperature, heat loss).
When creating a building plan in the architectural module, you can
show the location of radiators (e.g. under windows or on the walls) from the HVAC & Piping module.
In the architectural module, you can easily insert bushings (culverts) for pipes, ventilation ducts and cable trays.

Our current program versions are compatible with:
4M CAD V14 – V16, V19, V21
ActCAD 2020 (64bit)
ARES Standard Edition 2019
ARES Commander Edition 2012 – 2020
AutoCAD 2000 – 2021 (32/64bit)
AutoCAD LT 2000 – 2019 *) (32/64bit)
AutoCAD Architecture 2000 – 2021
AutoCAD Mechanical 2000 – 2021
AutoCAD MEP 2008 – 2021
AviCAD 2014 – 2017, 2019
BricsCAD V4 – V21
CADian 2012 – 2017, 2020
CADMATE 2015 – 2016, 2018
CADopia 8, 19
CMS IntelliCAD 7.2, 8.1, 8.2 x64, 8.3, 8.4, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 (64bit)
FineELEC 11
GstarCAD 2010 – 2020
IBSCAD 2018, 2019
IntelliCAD 5, 6, 7.2, 8.1
IntelliPlus 8, 2013 – 2014
JetCAD 2012
progeCAD 2008 – 2021
StarICAD 2008
ZWCAD 2008i – 2012, ZWCAD+**, ZWCAD Classic, ZWCAD 2017 – 2021**
Other programs on request



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