
JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2020.3.1 x64

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ReSharper是一款由jetbrains开发的针对C#,VB.NET,ASP.NET,XML,和XAML的编辑器。沿袭了jetbrains开发工具一贯的优良传统,ReSharper拥有高度智能的纠错,30多种高级代码重构功能,方便的单元测试 工具,快速导航、检索,以及一键格式化代码,自动代码生成和模板功能等很多特性。

Size File: 980 MB

ReSharper Features
Code quality analysis

On-the-fly code quality analysis is available in C#, VB.NET, XAML, ASP.NET, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, and XML. ReSharper will let you know if your code can be improved and suggest automatic quick-fixes.
Code editing helpers

Multiple code editing helpers are available, such as extended IntelliSense, hundreds of instant code transformations, auto-importing namespaces, rearranging code and displaying documentation.
Code generation

You don’t have to write properties, overloads, implementations, and comparers by hand: use code generation actions to handle boilerplate code faster.
Eliminate errors and code smells

Instant fixes help eliminate errors and code smells. Not only does ReSharper warn you when there are problems in your code but it provides quick-fixes to solve them automatically.
Safely change your code base

Apply solution-wide refactorings or smaller code transformations to safely change your code base. Whether you need to revitalize legacy code or put your project structure in order, you can lean on ReSharper.
Compliance to coding standards

Use code formatting and cleanup to get rid of unused code and ensure compliance to coding standards.
Instantly traverse your entire solution

Navigation features help you instantly traverse your entire solution. You can jump to any file, type, or member in your code base in no time, or navigate from a specific symbol to its usages, base and derived symbols, or implementations.
More features

Other ReSharper features include a powerful unit test runner, various kinds of code templates, debugging assistance, a project dependency viewer, internationalization assistance, as well as language-specific features for ASP.NET/ASP.NET MVC, XAML and other technologies.


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