
Siemens NX 1973 Build 4001 (NX 1953 Series)

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Siemens NX 1973 Build 4001 (NX 1953 Series)
Siemens公司正式发布 1973 Build 4001
NX 19xx建立在现代软件架构之上,开发时的业务重点是提供新功能,同时保护客户数据。 新方法将使西门子的NX客户能够:接收功能更快地增强,以帮助提高生产力
Siemens NX 软件是一款既灵活又功能强大的集成式解决方案,有助于您更快更高效地提供更优质的产品。 NX 提供了下一代的设计、仿真和制造解决方案,支持公司实现数字孪生的价值。NX 支持产品开发中从概念设计到工程和制造的各个方面,为您提供了一套集成的工具集,用于协调不同学科、保持数据完整性和设计意图以及简化整个流程。

Siemens NX 1973 Build 4001 (NX 1953 Series) | 16.4 Gb
Languages Supported: English, 中文, Čeština, Español, Français, Deutsch,
Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Polski, Português, Русский

The Siemens Digital Industries Software development team is pleased to announce the availability of NX 1973 Build 4001 (NX 1953 Series) is the leading CAx software for use of existing customer data in new enhancement releases.

Siemens NX 1973 Build 4001 (NX 1953 Series) – Date: November 2021

Sheet Body Analysis using NXOpen.UF.UFModl.AskMassProps3d()PR10160213 “NXOpen.UF.UFModl.AskMassProps3d is returning wrong property values is partially fixed in NX 1973.4000. The full fix will be available in NX 2007. All these statements are only applicable for Sheet Body Analysis usingNXOpen.UF.UFModl.AskMassProps3d():

1. NXOpen.UF.UFModl.AskMassProps3d() returns the Mass property values for both Solid and Sheet bodies. This PR reported an issue with the calculation of Mass Property values for Sheet bodies, so the PR closure statement is applicable to Sheet bodies only. The fix does not affect the Mass Property calculation of Solid Bodies.

2. The Mass property values are returned as a list of 46 values, with the 46th value being the density input by user. This value returned by the API is currently incorrect and will be incorrect even with the fix. It will be accurate starting NX2007.

3. What does not work until 2007: If Mass Property values for a sheet body are requested in any unit except Pounds and inches for inch part files and any unit for millimeter part files, the values returned continue to remain incorrect. Starting NX2007, all combinations of part file units (inch & millimeter) and Mass property output units (Pounds and inches, Pounds and feet, Grams and centimeters, Kilograms and meters) will return accurate results.

4. With this fix, in NX1973.4000, the mass property values output by NXOpen.UF.UFModl.AskMassProps3d() will be accurate only when the part units are inches and the mass properties are requested in the lbm & inch units.

NX Continuous Release

Siemens PLM Software began delivering its NX software product using a Continuous Release methodology in January 2019. This delivery model gives customers faster access to new enhancements and quality improvements, while reducing the efforts needed to effectively deploy NX. With NX Continuous Release, upgrading is fast, automated, and seamless. Upgrades with NX Continuous Release is independent of your current version while preserving your existing data – even data back from 1984. Siemens PLM customers in the Continuous Release main channel will see functional improvements every six months with monthly updates. The software updates themselves are smaller, so you no longer need to make large jumps between significant releases.

Siemens becam the first major CAD/CAM/CAE vendor to deliver products in this way. NX is built on a modern software architecture, developed with a business focus on delivering new functionality while protecting customer data.

Siemens Digital Industries is an innovation and technology leader in industrial automation and digitalization. In close cooperation with our partners and customers, we are the driving force for the digital transformation in the discrete and process industries.

Product: Siemens NX Continuous Release
Version: NX 1973 Build 4001 (NX 1953 Series) *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.plm.automation.siemens.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC **
Size: 16.4 Gb

* release info:



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