
ConceptDraw OFFICE

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一款功能强大的软件套件,主要用于绘制流程图、思维导图和项目管理图等,内置丰富的绘图工具,预制了多种图例形状,可通过不同的思维方式构建不同的导图,支持导出多种图表格式,专为各类业务经理量身定制,同时也适用于您正在处理的任何业务任务,它包括由独特的数据交换技术集成的三种软件产品,结合了业务图表,思维导图和项目管理软件,对于提供头脑风暴会议,创建图表,原理图,思维导图,项目计划,仪表板,演示文稿以及许多其他业务可视化至关重要,它可让你在PC平台上动态显示、交流和呈现所有的信息和流程,功能强大,可以绘制从基本流程图到复杂工程原理图的所有内容,能够在几分钟内轻松创建图表,以支持任何业务通信流程,也可以创建简单或复杂的图形,以向您的受众传达状态或条件。通过INGYRE技术相互集成,该技术用于无缝组织OFFICE内三种产品之间的数据交换, 对于使用各种概念来介绍自身及其功能的产品或流程,ConceptDraw OFFICE 是正确的选择。

Windows x64 | Languages: English | File Size: 382.23 MB
ConceptDraw OFFICE v8 is a powerful software suite especially tailored for business managers of all types, but also designed to be comprehensive for whatever business task you are working on. It includes three software products integrated by the unique data exchange technology. The suite combines business diagramming, mind mapping and project management software. ConceptDraw OFFICE v8 is essential to provide brainstorming sessions, create diagrams, schematics, mind maps, project plans, dashboards, presentations, and many other business visualizations………

System Requirements:
– Microsoft Windows® 8.1, 10 and higher (64-bit certified)
– CPU: Intel or AMD; 1.8 GHz or higher
– RAM: minimum 4 GB
– HDD: minimum 1.5 GB disk space


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