
PDFArea TIF to PDF Converter 9.0

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PDFArea TIF to PDF Converter是一款好用的转换工具。这款工具可以帮助用户将TIF文件转换为PDF文档。可以选择转换所有页面或只是转换某些页面,转换非常快速

File Size: 9.2 MB

TIF to PDF Converter is a quick and easy-to-use PDF utility that is designed to convert multi-page TIF file to PDF document. Just specify the file name of a TIF file, TIF to PDF Converter will directly convert it to a PDF document. TIF to PDF Converter is standalone software, Adobe Acrobat Reader is NOT required. TIF to PDF Converter doesn’t depend on any print driver so it will NOT install any print driver on your computer. You may choose to convert all pages or just convert certain pages.

Main Features:
Easy to use.
Very fast conversion speed.
Convert all pages or just convert certain pages.
Set the document title, subject, author, keywords, produce information.
Does NOT need Adobe Acrobat software.
Doesn’t depend on any print driver.

What’s new:
official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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