
DNV Synergi Pipeline Simulator 10.4.0

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DNV Synergi Pipeline Simulator 10.4.0
Synergi Pipeline Simulator通过模拟仿真技术优化管道设计。其在线预测、泄漏监测等功能可以帮助工程师优化管道运营,提高管道绩效。


Synergi Pipeline Simulator 管道仿真模拟软件可以帮助气体/液体管道或管网优化运营和提高绩效。


  • 可以通过SCADA或DCS,与实时管道数据进行OPC连接
  • 模拟管线、集管、截断阀、止回阀、调压器、压缩机/泵、换热器和PID控制等
  • 图形配置,可以模拟独特的管道分布和仿真运营作业
  • 可以进行管道离线设计分析,或在线监测管道的运营和预测未来状况,为决策提供依据
  • 最先进的水力模型和GUI界面

Synergi Pipeline Simulator  软件特点

  • 对管道、设备和操作规程进行详细设计
  • 提前发现潜在问题,确保供应安全
  • 对液体/气体管道进行假设分析,规划维修和设计服务
  • 实时监测泄漏位置
  • 跟踪气体/液体管道的智能无损检测器,并确定到达接收站的时间
  • 从多个信息源处监控到气体的质量和组分情况
  • 跟踪液体管道中的多个批次,并确定界面到达交付点的时间
  • 使用类似飞行模拟器的方法,培训管道运营商/调度人员
  • 管理所有管道调度人员的考核和上岗资质,满足法规的要求
  • 使用强大、可靠且精确的仿真功能,尽可能地减少系统停运时间

Synergi Pipeline Simulator  软件模块介绍


  • Statefinder – 状态评估器 – DNV的独特方法,区别并消除SCADA误报/错报信息
  • Leakfinder – 泄漏监测器 – 在线泄漏监测及定位
  • Predictor – 预测器- 前瞻模型或向前看模型 – 可监测管道运营和紧急情况分析等
  • Trainer – 培训器 – 提供逼真的仿SCADA操作界面,可离线实景培训和资质考核。 如何培训管道调度人员,让调度人员熟练操作,特别是针对新建管道,让管道运营收益最大化,这是许多管道运营商所面临的一项挑战/难题。有了SPS Trainer培训器软件,管道公司就能够在管道建设完工之前,确保管道调度人员做好准备。

DNV Synergi Pipeline Simulator 10.4.0 | 1.6 Gb

DNV, the world-leading provider of software for managing risk and improving asset performance in the energy, process and maritime industries, has unveiled Synergi Pipeline Simulator 10.4.0 is an internationally recognized transient flow simulation software for both liquid and gas pipelines.

Synergi Pipeline Simulator (Previously Stoner Pipeline Simulator) is the worldwide leader in transient flow simulation for both liquid and gas pipelines. It provides a complete range of simulation solutions, from the design and planning desktop, through operator training and qualification to on-line systems, including leak detection and predictive simulation. The software can be used to eliminate operational problems for networks transporting natural gas, dense phase gas or liquids.

A Synergi Pipeline Simulator configuration can be used with all Synergi Pipeline Simulator modules allowing the same model to be re-used for multiple applications. i.e. a surge analysis model can be connected to SCADA to provide on-line Leak Detection.

Watch our video to learn how you can keep your pipeline operations and leak detection systems operating efficiently through our software solutions and advisory services.

As of 1 March 2021, DNV GL is now DNV. We are the independent expert in risk management and assurance. Driven by our purpose, to safeguard life, property and the environment, we empower our customers and their stakeholders with facts and reliable insights so that critical decisions can be made with confidence. As a trusted voice for many of the world’s most successful organizations, we use our knowledge to advance safety and performance, set industry benchmarks, and inspire and invent solutions to tackle global transformations.

DNV Synergi Pipeline Simulator 10.4.0

Product: DNV Synergi Pipeline Simulator
Version: 10.4.0
Supported Architectures: x86 or x64
Website Home Page : http://www.dnv.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 1.6 Gb



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