
UVI Model D for Falcon

音色/Timbre dsgsd 182浏览 0评论

UVI Model D for Falcon screenshot11.2021 | 638 MB

Sit down at a beautiful Concert Grand Model D captured in the brilliant Guillaume Tell sound stage in Paris. Deep multi-sampling, precision mastering and advanced scripting provide you with all the warmth, expressiveness and detail of the real thing.

Each note was carefully multi-sampled at a number of velocity levels with and without sustain. These samples were then carefully prepared and scripted with advanced keygroup layers and rule switching in the UVI Engine, allowing the sustain pedal and release samples to articulate in a natural way. During this process we consulted with concert pianists and used their feedback to tune the algorithms to create the most enjoyable feel and natural playability possible.
The result is a finely tempered software piano with an effortless beauty and the sound of a real concert grand.

This release requires R2R Falcon.

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