
Esri CityEngine 2022.0.8300 x64

Windows dsgsd 150浏览 0评论

Esri CityEngine是三维城市建模的首选软件,应用于数字城市、城市规划、轨道交通、电力、管线、建筑、国防、仿真、游戏开发和电影制作等领域。

Esri CityEngine可以利用二维数据快速创建三维场景,并能高效的进行规划设计。而且对ArcGIS的完美支持,使很多已有的基础GIS数据不需转换即可迅速实现三维建模,减少了系统再投资的成本,也缩短了三维GIS系统的建设周期。

x64 | File Size: 1.01 GB

CityEngine is a 3D Edit and Visualization tool that can be extended to a professional modeling and design solution for efficient creation and design of 3D cities. CityEngine delivers a full suite of industry-leading tools to aggregate geospatial data, lay out and edit street networks, generate and modify buildings, create 3D road profiles and distribute street furniture, control the shape of the skyline, and analyze urban planning projects………..



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