
DeskArtes 3Data Expert x64

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一款用于 3D CAD 数据修复、格式转化、以及 3D CAD快速建模和 3D打印、模拟的工具。

Design Expert:创建工业级的三维CAD。
Design Expert:是一个套装软件,它是特别为工业设计师而开发的一个设计工具。它以最易于使用的方式,使设计专家能完成所有必须的工业产品设计任务。

File Size: 164.2 MB

3Data Expert is a professional tool for preparing 3D models for Additive Manufacturing and Simulation applications. There are several commands for manipulation of both 3D surface models and 3D faceted models. These commands include surface triangulation, STL verification and repair, STL offsetting, splitting, connecting, decimation, smoothing, shrink wrap, nesting and Boolean as well as STL coloring and texturing. Sand Supports can be generated for deliate sand parts. Basic supports can be generated for both Stereolithography, DLP and metal processes. With the latest 64 bit implementation models with millions of triangles can be handled reliably. Prepared models can be sent directly to the receiving process using the new Plugin interface. 3Data Expert is the 3D data processing tool you need to get your AM business running.

3Data Expert Support Structure beta program gives you free access to professional support struture generator for metal, DLP and Sterolithoraphy processes. See more at Support Structure beta program.

3Data Expert includes the same powerful viewing, measuring and communication tools available with the free View Expert. Some of the more advanced functions are described below.

Optionally, you can purchase 3D CAD Import Translators to triangulate and auto-repair standard and native 3D CAD models for 3D Color Printing, Additive Manufacturing and Simulation applications. Import translators include STEP, CATIA 4/5/6, CATIA CGR, NX Unigraphics, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Inventor, Parasolid, JT and Creo/ProE formats. Conversion keeps original assembly colors (not textures) for 3D Color Printing and can generate optimized triangulation for simulation applications. Color models can be reliably transferred to 3D Color Printing preparation software modules 3DEdit Pro, ZEdit Pro and ColourIT via DeskArtes native file format .3de.

Whats New:
official site does not provide any info about changes in this version


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