
Adobe Premiere Rush Multilingual

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Adobe发布全新跨平台影片编辑软件Premiere Rush,主打快速剪片,支援iOS、Android操作系统智能电话及平板电脑,同时支援Windows及macOS操作系统的桌上电脑。

Premiere Rush的主要卖点是快速剪片,用家可透过使用智能电话,弹指之间剪辑出相对专业的短片,然后上载至社交媒体「呃like」。 同时,针对部分进阶用家的需要, Premiere Rush专案能透过Premiere Pro读取,以便进阶用家后制。

透过Premiere Rush,使用者可用智能电话剪片,兼具备调色、调声、加入过场特效、标题字幕等功能;若用家透过软件发布短片至社交平台,相关短片将能自动最佳化,以配合不同社交平台的影片播放特性。

加入背景音乐、具备人声的短片到Rush后,内置的Adobe Sensei人工智能将自动识别相关声音属于音乐、人声或其他音效;若用家在背景音乐素材的音效设定中剔选「Auto duck」,系统会自动降低背景音乐的声音,避免与人声「相撞」。

x64 | File Size: 878 MB

Adobe Premiere Rush, the video making app designed for youtubers. Give your followers a steady stream by creating and sharing online videos with Adobe Premiere Rush.

Go from filming to showtime in record time.
Record professional-quality video on your mobile devices with the built-in camera functionality. Edit with simple tools for audio, animated graphics and more and share from the app to social channels such as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.

Give an extra touch to social media.
Impress your followers with professional models directly in the app. Change the color, size, font and more to adapt it to your personal brand.

Create your show on the road.
Capture movies on your phone, then edit and share on social media from any device. Everything syncs with the cloud, and the latest change is always close at hand, wherever you are.

System Requirements:
OS:Microsoft Windows 10 with 64-bit support (Version 1703 or later)
CPU:Multicore processor with 64-bit support (Recommended: Intel Core i5 or i7, or equivalent)
Memory:8 GB of RAM
Hard Disk:8 GB of available hard-disk space for installation; extra free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)
Monitor:1280×800 display (1920×1080 or larger recommended)



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