
Maya – ModIt 3.0 and EnvIt – Scattering Script for Maya

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Maya – ModIt 3.0 and EnvIt – Scattering Script for Maya


ModIt is a script for Maya that will be your companion during your HardSurface Modeling in Maya!

EnvIt is a robust and user-friendly Scatter Tool for Maya. It will quickly and easily help you create environment scenes, includes all the essential scattering tools you’d expect, and all with an efficient workflow and interface.

We’ve all experienced Maya’s Scattering Tool shortcomings, and we’re excited to finally provide a solution that effectively solves the problem today, and provides a future of spectacular posabilities. 3dsMax has ForestPack, making it the leader in ArchViz. For VFX you have Houdini and Clarisse is built upon it’s scatter tools. Unreal Engine is known for its real-time procedural populating tools. And then there’s Maya, with nothing. We have lived with the troubles of an old particle system and buggy MASH, and now it’s time for something better. This is why I have been completely focused on building a robust, expandable, and easy to use Scatter Tool for Maya: EnvIt.

Powered by Bifrost EnvIt is based upon a powerful new engine. This is not particles, MASH, or anything you’ve used before. This leverages all new Maya technology, which means more power and scale and extendability than ever before.



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