
Coreform Cubit 2022.4 x64

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Coreform Cubit 的预处理功能和具有高级六角网格划分和六角主网格划分的 Flex IGA 建模最大限度地减少了为 FEA 和 CFD 准备模型所花费的时间,同时最大限度地控制网格质量以获得高质量解决方案的正确网格,从而使您的投资最大化仿真技术。

x64 | File Size: 872 MB

Advanced hex meshing for challenging simulations Maximize your investment in simulation technology. Beat competitors to market with higher quality, longer-lasting products. Reduce the costs of physical prototyping and testing……

System Requirements
-OS:windows 7-11
-4GB RAM (8GB or more recommended)
-1GB disk space
-Graphics card and driver capable of supporting OpenGL 3.2 (A software-based implementation of OpenGL 3.2 is provided as an alternative, but may slow the process.)
-1280 x 1024 screen resolution

NOTE: More memory and faster processors are recommended for meshes with very large mesh element counts.



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