
Deswik Suite 2022.1 x64

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Deswik.CAD已经设计专业软件开发经验和建设采矿技术应用的历史已经证明,几十年的采矿工程师。编程,利用最新的技术,高性能和前沿计算发展,Deswik.CAD为用户提供了一种简单,现代CAD风格的界面和直观的。 Deswik.CAD实际上是一个空间数据库相结合的能力属性,过滤和报告数据可视化和表格格式的CAD电源。文件格式为XML,所以是开放的,所有的数据转移到其他系统。 Deswik.CAD使用跨所有采矿部门采用的是地下和露天矿,煤炭和金属,在世界各地。

Deswik.Scheduler。交互式甘特图,PERT网络图,Deswik调度露天矿或地下矿山规划者的需求量身定做,可以处理海量数据集,而其余的响应。对于项目经理,Deswik的调度提供了工作分解结构和详细的关键和点对点的路径分析。创建详细的长期向下移位日历排班转移或导入你的时间使用模式。调度Deswik直接集成与Deswik.CAD的互动Deswik调度,以允许简单的挖掘任务的更新信息从图形。 Deswik调度器可以导入和导入时间表,从最流行的调度包Primavera的项目,包括Microsoft,EPS。

Deswik地貌和运输解决方案的功能,灵活性和易用性,使所有工程师解答问题一直很难回答。我需要多少辆卡车?什么是最好的卡车适用于我的采矿几何?在坑内破碎和输送比传统的卡车长途更经济?我固定的舰队会影响我的采矿计划和铲生产力?的增量值增加一辆卡车,以我目前的车队是什么?传统的运输执行已采取的重心从采矿和倾倒地点和手动计算周期时间。由于手动过程的性质,只有少数cycletimes实际可能的,因此使用较大的数据集。 Deswik发现,这可能会导致高达20%的误差,此外,一些选项可以探讨导致次优的规划成果。 Deswik地貌和运输解决方案的功能,灵活性和易用性,使所有工程师解答问题一直很难回答。

x64 | File Size: 978 MB

We empower mining engineers and managers to work smarter and faster. Our solutions free up our users’ time and give them the tools and resources to engineer better plans, examine more scenarios and consequently drive lower costs.Our software is currently used by mining engineers, geologists, surveyors and production superintendents for various undertakings throughout the mine planning process.Integration is key to the architecture and use of our products – our software has been designed for data to flow seamlessly across all core products and modules.

Design & Solids Modeling A powerful design platform with superior data handling – the next generation of planning tools for mining.

Key Features
Modern graphics engine designed to handle large mining datasets with excellent graphics performance. Generate, slice and run Boolean commands without errors. Arguably the best solids and polygon Boolean tools on the market.

Superior attribute and metadata handling, bringing GIS-style capabilities to 3D mining data. Brings spreadsheet calculations into the design environment for superior analysis and insights.

Advanced design and editing tools within a simple, modern, and intuitive interface. Universal applications handle all mining sectors, open cut or underground, coal or metals.

Information manipulation using a powerful formula builder, instead of scripting. Add structure to the planning process using graphical workflows tied into the entire Deswik.CAD toolset.

Rapid, intuitive plotting using the WYSIWYG principle. Use custom filters and legend overlays for superior graphical reporting.

Deswik.CAD easily integrates with most mining and CAD packages. Plugin and scripting interfaces allow for customization and data manipulation.

In-built survey functions, commonly used by underground surveyors internationally. Ability to import and process survey point data into polylines as part of the as-built solids creation process.

Familiar Gantt chart interface with in-built mining functionality designed for massive datasets. Integrates production, ancillary and project activities with ease, using rate or duration-based scheduling.

Powerful resource levelling engine with superior features including multi-pass levelling and input path scheduling. Mirror real world objectives with dependencies, priorities, targets, constraints and resource limitations

Detailed work calendars for scheduling and reporting from a shift basis through to a 100yr+ Life Of Mine. Flexible combination of manual scheduling tools for short term and automated long term scheduling.

Responsive resource assignment; pools assign resources based on task priorities and resource availabilities. Build detailed and specific production rates with easy formula builders.

User-defined pivot-style reports can be quickly customized to drill into the details of a schedule. Record multiple schedule baselines to show schedule changes over time. Automated tools to keep schedules up-to-date.

Operates stand-alone or integrated with Deswik.CAD and Deswik.IS. Use the Deswik.SViz or Deswik.vSched platforms for quick 3D visualization of existing Deswik.CAD designs.

Fast integrated strategic planning
A single integrated application for all strategic mine planning needs across the mining value chain, reducing the risk of creating sub-optimal plans.

Model complex systems
Build a network of sources, stockpiles, dumps and plants to model material flows and transformations to products and waste through an intuitive graphic interface.

Understand the time value of money
Vary mining and processing constraints and objectives by time to take into account the time value of money and maximize Net Present Value.

Easy to use workflow driven interface
Easy to understand, workflow driven user interface guides the user through the strategic planning process.

Industry leading technology
Developed in partnership with Alicanto Labs from University Adolfo Ibañez, Deswik.GO leverages the most advanced optimization algorithms to solve real sized mining problems more efficiently.

In-built reporting and visualization
Create BI style reports using the integrated dashboard reporting to drill down into the details and results of the schedule, giving you maximum visibility into the value drivers of the plan. Animate and visualize the results of the schedule to immediately see the mining sequence in 3D.

Optimize using Direct Block Scheduling
Generate optimized pit shells by individually scheduling each block in your block model considering the time value of money. Simultaneously optimize multiple block models, to understand and analyze different pit interactions.

Phase bench schedule optimization
Use the outputs of the direct block schedule and make the plan mineable by applying more realistic constraints to your schedule.

Destination optimization
Use the Fixed Extraction Sequence option if you have a completed mine plan at hand, to determine the best destination for each of the mined units in the plan.

Integrated with other Deswik tools
Analyze tactical sensitivities on the strategic plan and refine the results by leveraging other Deswik tools, such as Deswik.LHS for detailed haulage analysis, Deswik.CAD to generate shells used in further design processes and Deswik.Sched to apply more tactical constraints.

System Requirements
OS:Windows 10/11
CPU:Quad Core 2.5Ghz+
GPU:1GB Video Card Support for OpenGL 4.6 and GL_ARB_sparse_texture2 extension e.g. Nvidia Quadro P-series, GTX
10-series, RTX-series, and newer cards
Display:1920 x 1080



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