
O&O Defrag Pro 29.0.11123 x64

Defrag dsgsd 63浏览 0评论


O&O Defrag Pro 是一款磁盘碎片整理工具。 通过强大的SSD优化算法,智能整理磁盘碎片,极大的提高电脑的性能,可同时整理多个磁盘,也可设定时间自动整理硬盘。

File Size: 58.3 MB

O&O Defrag cleans up this shoebox by combining the snippets of a file and writing them one after the other to the hard drive or SSD. In addition, the files are reorganized so that access times when loading are minimized. This saves you time and protects your data storage media. If you use O&O Defrag regularly, the access speed and overall performance of your Windows system will noticeably increase. And so that you never have to worry about “file snippets” again, O&O Defrag can also run completely automatically in the background.

Simply simple
Everyone should have a fast computer. That’s why we made O&O Defrag 29 so simple that anyone can use it. The new modern view does not require complicated settings.
No difficult decision as to which is the best defragmentation strategy for your PC. O&O Defrag takes care of everything itself. All you have to do is choose whether you want to start O&O Defrag yourself manually or whether you want it to take care of everything automatically…………..


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