
Nestjs Ultimate: Backend Development With Node.Js Framework

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Published 11/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920×1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 12.22 GB | Duration: 16h 6m

Building Scalable Projects with NestJS: WebSockets, Real-Time Notifications, Email Integration, and More

What you’ll learn
Master the core concepts of NestJS and understand its powerful architecture for building scalable applications.
Learn how to set up and configure a NestJS project from scratch using TypeScript, Express, and various key libraries.
Understand database integration using both MongoDB and SQL (via TypeORM), and how to structure your data models effectively.
Build a hands-on project with MongoDB to reinforce your NestJS skills and understand real-world use cases.
Create a large-scale, production-ready application using SQL, TypeORM, and advanced NestJS features like authentication, middleware, and more.
Develop real-time features with WebSockets and integrate them seamlessly into your applications.
Learn to troubleshoot and debug your code effectively, gaining critical skills for fixing issues and improving performance.
Develop a research-oriented mindset to confidently read official documentation and learn new technologies.
Avoid the “tutorial hell” trap by learning how to think independently and solve problems on your own.
Gain a strong foundation in backend development that prepares you to work with any other framework or language in the future.

You need to know the basics of typescript
Have knowledge of NodeJS
Understanding of expressJS is recommended but not required
Have knowledge of SQL (basic) skills

NestJS is a powerful and rapidly growing framework that enables developers to build scalable and efficient applications with ease. In this course, you’ll learn how to harness the full potential of NestJS to create robust backend systems.In this course, you’re not just going to learn NestJS; you’ll also master the essential skills of learning new technologies. Forget fancy slideshows and fluff—this course is all about diving deep into the core material, directly from official resources. I believe in the power of real, hands-on learning, and instead of simply repeating what’s already out there, we will focus on practical application.Why do I say “you don’t just learn NestJS”? Because in this course, I’m going to show you how to research, troubleshoot, and read documentation effectively—skills every developer needs to thrive. These aren’t just technical abilities; they are life skills for problem-solving and continuous learning, which are crucial to keep up with ever-evolving technology.Upon completing this course, you won’t just be proficient in NestJS. You’ll have developed the confidence and methodology to pick up any framework, language, or tool you wish to learn. This course will teach you how to avoid the trap of “tutorial hell”—that frustrating cycle where you rely too much on step-by-step guides without gaining true understanding. You’ll learn how to think independently, explore documentation, and solve problems—transforming you into a self-sufficient developer, ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.What will you learn in this course?Core NestJS Concepts: We’ll start by building a solid foundation of NestJS, diving into the framework’s core features and best practices for building maintainable applications.Building a Small Application with MongoDB: Once you’re familiar with the basics, we’ll work on a hands-on project using MongoDB to help reinforce your understanding of NestJS and how to apply it in real-world scenarios.Developing a Large-Scale Application with SQL and TypeORM: Finally, we’ll scale things up by developing a large and complex application using SQL and TypeORM, integrating advanced concepts like authentication, real-time communication, and more.

Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Introduction

Lecture 2 Why should we learn NestJS?

Section 2: NestJS: Core Concept

Lecture 3 Explore NestJS folder structure

Lecture 4 Controller in NestJS

Lecture 5 Single responsibility principle

Lecture 6 Introduction to Provider

Lecture 7 Inversion of Control principle

Lecture 8 Apply IoC principle in NestJS

Lecture 9 Dependency Injection

Lecture 10 How IoC Container work?

Lecture 11 Look at Module

Lecture 12 Work with Module

Lecture 13 Middleware

Lecture 14 Middleware – part 2

Lecture 15 Exception

Lecture 16 Pipes

Lecture 17 Guard

Lecture 18 Interceptor

Lecture 19 Custom decorators

Lecture 20 Wrap up: Core concept

Section 3: Mongoose, CRUD, Data Transfer Object

Lecture 21 Section overview

Lecture 22 Nest CLI

Lecture 23 Setup mongodb

Lecture 24 Connect mongodb atlas

Lecture 25 Create post shema

Lecture 26 Inject repository

Lecture 27 Insert document

Lecture 28 What is a DTO?

Lecture 29 More about DTO

Lecture 30 Validation

Lecture 31 Reminder about DTO

Lecture 32 Query data

Lecture 33 Some options to reduce (hide) data

Lecture 34 Use interceptor to response DTO

Lecture 35 Transform DTO

Lecture 36 Query a data

Lecture 37 Update all fields (PUT)

Lecture 38 Update some field (PATCH)

Lecture 39 Delete document

Lecture 40 Wrap up

Section 4: Big Project Time: TypeORM

Lecture 41 Create new NestJS Project

Lecture 42 Setup TypeORM with PostgresQL

Lecture 43 Environment variables

Lecture 44 Create user entity

Lecture 45 Work with TypeORM

Section 5: Module: JSON Web Token (JWT) Authentication

Lecture 46 Create auth module

Lecture 47 Again … Dependency Injection – Sign Up user

Lecture 48 Unique email

Lecture 49 JWT Async configuration

Lecture 50 Sign In

Lecture 51 Refactor JWT Generate

Lecture 52 Authentication Guard

Lecture 53 Get current user

Section 6: Authorization: Advanced (Role, Permissions, Endpoint)

Lecture 54 Create role module

Lecture 55 Many To One Relationship

Lecture 56 Create role

Lecture 57 Create role

Lecture 58 Assign role to user

Lecture 59 Get all roles

Lecture 60 Update role

Lecture 61 Delete role

Lecture 62 TypeORM join table (relation) – prevent delete assigned role

Lecture 63 The idea of permissions

Lecture 64 Create endpoint module

Lecture 65 Endpoint entity

Lecture 66 Create endpoint

Lecture 67 Strategy to handle 1 THOUSAND ENDPOINT – Truncate all endpoint

Lecture 68 How to get all endpoint in application ?

Lecture 69 Insert all endpoint to DB

Lecture 70 Database Transaction

Lecture 71 Permission module

Lecture 72 Permission entity

Lecture 73 Compose primary key

Lecture 74 Add all permissions to DB

Lecture 75 Allow permission

Lecture 76 Authorization has not yet been completed, my friends

Section 7: Module: Category (Hooks)

Lecture 77 Category Entity

Lecture 78 Customhttp status code

Lecture 79 Swagger

Lecture 80 If you want to use swagger

Lecture 81 Create category

Lecture 82 TypeORM hook – Handle slug

Lecture 83 Get category

Lecture 84 Upgrade your response DTO

Lecture 85 Update category

Lecture 86 Delete category

Lecture 87 TypeORM built-in soft delete

Lecture 88 Welcome to child category

Lecture 89 Understand child category

Lecture 90 Create child category

Lecture 91 Nested DTO – Find parent category along with child category

Lecture 92 Fix DTO

Section 8: Module: Product

Lecture 93 Product entity

Lecture 94 Postgres data types

Lecture 95 Explain precision and scale in numeric

Lecture 96 Create product

Lecture 97 Custom property in response DTO

Lecture 98 Get all products

Lecture 99 Get one product

Lecture 100 Update product

Lecture 101 Soft delete product

Lecture 102 Pagination & Filtering

Lecture 103 Product response dto with pagination

Section 9: Module: File Upload

Lecture 104 Upload module

Lecture 105 First look about upload file

Lecture 106 Upload image to disk

Lecture 107 Type upload

Lecture 108 Save image url to DB

Lecture 109 Wrap up

Section 10: Module: Product Galleries, Upload mutiple images

Lecture 110 Product Gallery Module

Lecture 111 First look to upload multiple images

Lecture 112 Upload mutiple images

Lecture 113 Delete gallery and image

Section 11: Module: Product attributes

Lecture 114 The idea of product attributes

Lecture 115 Create Variant entity

Lecture 116 Create variant

Lecture 117 Find variants by product

Lecture 118 Delete variant

Lecture 119 Create variant item entity

Lecture 120 Create variant item

Lecture 121 Find item by variant

Lecture 122 Delete variant item

Lecture 123 What happen If we remove variant ?

Lecture 124 Variant item price

Lecture 125 Introduction to deeply nested DTO

Section 12: Module: User

Lecture 126 Comback to user module

Lecture 127 Get a user

Lecture 128 Update user

Lecture 129 Delete user

Lecture 130 Change password

Lecture 131 Update my information

Section 13: Module: Cart, Uni-Directional, Bi-Directional

Lecture 132 Create cart entity

Lecture 133 Understand uni-directional & bi-directional – cart item entity

Lecture 134 Create cart for user

Lecture 135 Add to cart

Lecture 136 Add variant to cart item

Lecture 137 Add to cart completed

Lecture 138 Delete item from cart

Lecture 139 Get my cart

Beginner or Intermediate Developers who are ready to tackle more complex projects and want to understand how to integrate databases like MongoDB and SQL.,Students looking to improve their problem-solving skills by learning how to research, troubleshoot, and read official documentation.,Developers who want to break free from tutorial hell and become self-sufficient in learning new technologies, frameworks, and languages.,Anyone interested in building large-scale applications and learning how to manage complex architectures and integrations with real-time capabilities.



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