
JamPlay Cybernetic Shred Stephanie Bradley TUTORiAL-ARCADiA

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JamPlay Cybernetic Shred Stephanie Bradley TUTORiAL-ARCADiA screenshotTeam ARCADiA | TUTORiAL | 7.06 GB

Cybernetic Shred
Stephanie Bradley teaches speed without tension
There is a better player in all of us, but we often get trapped in unhealthy, tension-filled technique. Join Stephanie Bradley as we explore the most efficient ways to play faster, cleaner and healthier. We will dissect the requirements of speed, while studying the techniques of alternate, tremolo, sweep, and economy picking within a rock and lead context.

Cybernetic Shred strives to eliminate the physical and mental barriers which thwart your potential. Suited for the “still a beginner” or intermediate guitarists, Stephanie aims to show how healthy technique can unlock a new gear for your playing.

Speed without Tension.
Level up in a healthy and efficient manner
Efortless speed is “usually” an idea reserved for the guitar gods. Artists such as Paul Gilbert, Yngwie Malmsteen, or John Petrucci play at blistering speeds in a calm, tensionless fashion with healthy technique. This is something we all can achieve with the proper build up. Stephanie shows just that, with simple explanations and useful exercises. This course includee 31 step-by-step lessons, play-along tracks, tabs, guitar pro files to help “take the governor off” your current limitations.

This course offers 31 lessons covering 3+ hours of material in step-by-step, digestible presentation.


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