
VovSoft AI Requester 2.6

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Vovsoft AI Requester是一款集成了最新人工智能技术的软件,为用户提供了一个可靠且易于使用的接口。这款软件无缝集成了诸如gps-3.5、gps-4等先进的人工智能模型,使得用户能够轻松连接到这些强大的AI工具,进行各种操作。

Vovsoft AI Requester的功能特点主要体现在以下几个方面:

  1. 聊天功能:用户可以通过这款软件与AI进行聊天。切换到chat界面,用户可以看到一个文字输入区域,可以输入问题或提问,AI会给出相应的回答。这种功能使得用户可以与AI进行自然的对话,就像与真人聊天一样。同时,用户还可以扮演不同的角色与AI进行聊天,增加了交互的趣味性和多样性。
  2. 图像生成与编辑功能:除了聊天功能外,Vovsoft AI Requester还提供了强大的图像生成和编辑功能。用户可以通过这款软件连接到AI,让AI帮助生成高清的图像。无论是卡通图像还是二次元图像,AI都能根据用户的需求进行生成。此外,用户还可以对生成的图像进行编辑,以满足个性化的需求。
  3. 用户友好的界面:Vovsoft AI Requester注重用户体验,其界面设计简洁明了,易于操作。即使是非技术用户,也可以轻松利用这款软件的功能,无需进行大量的培训或学习。

File size: 3.1 MB

Vovsoft AI Requester is a program that can connect to OpenAI API with ease. The software provides users with a reliable and easy-to-use interface that seamlessly integrates with the latest AI technologies, including GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.

Just like ChatGPT, you can easily connect to the OpenAPI platform and start chatting with powerful AI bots that are capable of providing intelligent responses to a wide range of queries and questions. The software is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, allowing even non-technical users to easily connect to the AI bots and start chatting right away.

Set the behavior of the assistant
You can easily set the behavior of the assistant using the dedicated checkbox under the “Send” button. For example, enter prompt “You are Elon Musk”. From now on, all your questions will be answered as if the artificial intelligence is Elon Musk.


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