PADS 可提供久经考验的PCB 设计工具,其中包含各种适用于高级工程和复杂设计的可扩展解决方案和内建功能,价格也令人怦然心动。
在此之前,要选择合适的PCB 设计工具,您需要面临艰难的选择。高端企业解决方案能够处理复杂的设计,但随之而来的是过多的开销,以及与可用性和拥有成本
相关的诸多挑战。而桌面解决方案不但易于使用,而且成本较低,但随着设计复杂性的增加,其生产率往往大打折扣。 PADS Professional 针对您必须解决的诸多问题提供了所需的
PADS Professional 包含整合的「设计即正确」元器件库,可确保在定义元件后,立即同步更新符号、单元和元件对映。这种方法消除了网表驱动型设计解决方案中常见的导致设计迭代的主要因素。
现如今,FPGA 在许多应用中已经变得跟ASIC 和SoC 一样复杂,因此,硬体工程师必须采用高级FPGA 实施流程。对于与FPGA 供应商无关的整合式设计环境而言,合成是关键要素。
当今的FPGA是功能非常强大的器件,具有高管脚数目、多种I/O 标准和高速功能。此外FPGA 中实施的高级逻辑往往要求将成百上千个逻辑信号对映至物理信号。对于硬体工程师而言,要兼顾HDL 设计领域和电气设计领域,无疑是一项巨大的
Mentor Graphics Corporation, a Siemens business, is pleased to announce the availability of PADS VX 2.11. The latest release delivers new product features and enhancements that improve product usability and efficiency, and empowers engineers and designer’s to design electronic products faster.
PADS Personal Automated Design Solutions provide an easy-to-use environment that helps solve the PCB design challenges you meet every day. Using PADS, you will get your job done faster and better, while saving costs.
Targeted toward the independent engineer who requires a more complete design flow that includes advanced toolsets, PADS Standard Plus is equipped with enhanced layout and integrated analysis and verification, supplying all you need to produce quality PCBs, fast. Easy-to-use schematic and layout translators help import libraries and designs from your current toolset, whether it’s Allegro, Altium Designer, CADSTAR, OrCAD, P-CAD, or Protel.
Mentor, A Siemens Business, is a world leader in electronic hardware and software design solutions providing products, consulting services, and award-winning support for the world’s most successful electronics, semiconductor, and systems companies. We enable companies to develop better electronic products faster and more cost-effectively. Our innovative products and solutions help engineers conquer design challenges in the increasingly complex worlds of board and chip design.
Focused development of powerful, easy-to-use capabilities within the PADS flow helps individuals and small teams solve today’s toughest PCB design challenges. This approach has made us the worldwide standard in desktop PCB design and the only five-time STAR award winner for EDA customer support
Product: Siemens PADS
Version: VX.2.x Standard Plus
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://eda.sw.siemens.com/
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 7.3 Gb
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