Korneff Audio推出一款饱和效果器:Pumpkin Spice Latte,这款插件可以给声音添加温暖的饱和感、复古氛围和怀旧感。
Pumpkin Spice Latte是一款直观且多功能的插件,将饱和度、氛围、温暖和回声巧妙融合在一起,能快速调制出复古R&B、独立摇滚等音色。但Pumpkin Spice Latte的效果不像其温和的秋日外观,点击Espresso Shot功能,可将温暖饱和效果变为狂野、充满失真颗粒和迷幻风格的调制效果。
Pumpkin Spice Latte可以为人声添加温暖感和清晰度,为吉他提供失真和少许回声效果,给合成器、铜管和贝斯音色添加失真与毛刺效果,给复古鼓组增加一些空间感和饱和度,呈现出有力的复古律动感。Pumpkin Spice Latte还可以用来混音,将多个乐器粘合在一起,为分轨或混音母线增添厚重质感。
Pumpkin Spice Latte功能:
- Spice可以增加类似模拟电子管的饱和效果,提供谐波失真
- Whipped Cream实时提供迷幻的氛围效果
- Warmth通过自适应滤波网络,实时调整频率响应
- Cinnamon提供模拟延迟效果
- Espresso Shot激活压缩比为32:1的压限器,具有快速的起始和释放时间以及强大的增益
Pumpkin Spice Latte支持64位的Windows和MacOS系统,插件格式为VST3、AU和AAX。
File Size: 13.6 MB
Pumpkin Spice Latte brings warm saturation, funky ambiance and vintage flavor to your recordings.
Pumpkin Spice Latte is an intuitive, versatile plug-in that oozes vintage and lo-fi vibes. Its tasty blend of saturation, ambiance, warmth and echo makes it fast to dial in sounds from retro R&B to indie rock. But don’t let its gentle autumnal appearance fool you: click on Espresso Shot and the PSL goes from pumpkin to punk, full of distortion grit and psychedelia.
Great on vocals – all the stuff you need for warm, defined tracks
Perfect for guitars – dial in distortion, add some slapback, you’re good to go
Vintage Drums – add a little bit of room and some saturation for punchy, old school grooves
Distortion and Fuzz – put it on synths, brass and bass
Gluey and Chewy on stems or the mix bus
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