
BABY Audio Transit 2 v1.1.0

Windows dsgsd 29浏览 0评论


Transit 拥有 18 个强大的效果模块,可在 7 个效果位中自由加载。你不仅可以获得经典的调制、失真、降位、自动声像、混响、延迟、滤波等效果,甚至还有合成振荡器和噪声发生器。所有效果参数都可以链接到全局宏控制,只需通过一个旋钮的转动就能自动创建复杂的过渡效果。

音序器模式让用户可以通过单击来编辑和触发 DAW 同步的自动化,非常适合现场使用或将完美定时的自动化写入混音项目中。此外,Transit 包含由 Andrew Huang 和 Baby Audio 的声音设计师创建的 300 多个预设。用户还可以通过灵活的随机化引擎进一步发挥创意。

支持 VST/VST3/AU/AAX 插件格式

File size: 112.6 MB

The plugin that kills static mixes. Transit 2 is the next chapter of our collaboration with Andrew Huang. Use 6 different motion modes to control 28 effect modules and create endless forms of movement to energize your tracks. From addictive rhythmic motion to powerful transitions that sweep listeners off their feet.

6 Modes To Move Your Mixes
Macro: Control all movement in the FX chain with just one knob. Automate it to create huge, sweeping transitions.
LFO: Create rhythmic FX motion, un-synced or synced to your host BPM.
Follower: Build FX chains that move with your track’s dynamics, like a living organism.
Sidechain: Control the FX movement with a sidechain input and take the classic kick ducking effect to a new universe.
Gate: Trigger instant FX motion during live performances.
Sequencer: Launch DAW-synced transitions with a click.

28 High-quality effect modules
Transit 2 comes with 10 new effects, taking the total to 28. Add and move the modules freely around the chain.
The effects include high-quality modulation, degradation and vintage effect options, reverb, delay, multiple filter types – and even a synth oscillator and noise generator for sweeps.
Each effect parameter can be left static or linked to the motion macro. Use the slope control to give effect knobs their own unique ramp curve.


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