
Exportools Professional 2024 v11.00 MacOS

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Badia Exportools Professional是mac上一款非常好用的InDesign和QuarkXPress文档转换器,可以帮助您以单页或多页文件的方式输出多页InDesign或QuarkXPress文档。您可以将导出InDesign或QuarkXPress文档批为以下格式:PDF、PostScript、JPEG、TIFF、PNG、RTF、Microsoft word文档、HTML、Web存档、Apple Pages文档或纯文本。或者您也可以批打印文档并将它们直接发送到打印机队列。

Languages: English | File Size: 15.5 MB

Batch export and preflight multiple InDesign and QuarkXPress documents. Exportools Professional allows you to output multi-page documents as single-page or multi-page files. With more than a dozen of formats to choose from, Exportools Professional is the only tool you need to export pages, spreads, text and images. Split and merge documents.

Printers, book publishers, ad agencies and designers worldwide rely on the simplicity and effectiveness of Exportools Professional to quickly repurpose documents and pages. You can batch export as single pages or multi-page files, split and merge documents, setup watched folders, extract text, auto preflight, and more.

Batch Export and Batch Print
Send multiple InDesign and QuarkXPress documents to PDF, PostScript, images, or directly to the printer. Choose to create separate files for each page or spread, or all pages in one file. Manage output folders and automatically create subfolders for each exported document.

Document Lists
Drag-and-drop InDesign or QuarkXPress documents from the Finder into the interactive document list.

Watched Folders
Have Exportools Professional periodically scan a watched folder. Newly dropped files will be automatically added to the queue to be processed.

Open Documents
Export or print those documents currently open in InDesign or QuarkXPress.

Built-In Preflighting
The preflighting engine quickly and thoroughly analyzes each document for potential problems that could lead to time and material waste.

Check for: missing fonts, text overflows, non-printing graphics, broken picture links, RGB images, and poor image resolution.

Split Documents
Split multiple InDesign or QuarkXPress documents. Save as single pages, single spreads, or multi-page files.

Merge Documents
Merge several QuarkXPress or InDesign documents into a new document. Retain all formatting and style sheets.

Extract Text
Extract text from documents and save to popular formats, such as Microsoft Word, RTF or HTML.

For Adobe InDesign and QuarkXPress
Exportools Professional works with today’s leading graphics software: Adobe InDesign and QuarkXPress.


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