
Wise Registry Cleaner Pro Multilingual

Windows dsgsd 25浏览 0评论

Wise Registry Cleaner Pro是一个安全注册表清理工具。软件主要有三大功能:注册表清理、系统优化和注册表整理,并且还能对注册表备份和还原。

File size: 6.4 MB

Wise Registry Cleaner can locate and correct problems in the Windows registry, such as missing references to shared DLLs, unused registration entries for file extensions, and missing referenced application paths. Wise Registry Cleaner can also mark the registry items which are safe to remove as well as those which are not advisable to remove. And it will automatically back up the deleted registry. It supports a manual backup for the whole registry before running operations. In essence, this product is safer than other registry tools. Wise Registry Cleaner also allows users to delete system restore points.

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