
Tone Empire Model 5000 v2.5

Windows dsgsd 48浏览 0评论


具有可控低频“推力”的“Punchy”混合压缩机,其灵感来自著名的美国压缩机和经典的英国控制台压缩机。 非常适合鼓、混音总线以及母带处理。 变得微妙或“突显”你的声音!


在 Tone Empire,我们受到经典设备的启发,但渴望为当今使用先进系统、需要更大灵活性和扩展音调的现代音乐家、工程师和制作人带来扩展功能。

Model5000 是我们增强经典系列产品中的第二个版本。

Model 5000 是一款混合 VCA,以著名的美国“Thrusting”压缩机和著名的英国“Console”压缩机为蓝本。 轻松获得混音的“最低重量”。

File Size: 8.0 MB

A “Punchy” hybrid compressor with controllable Low End “Thrusting” inspired by the famous American Compressor and the classic British Console Compressor. Great on Drums, The Mix Bus, and for Mastering. Go subtle or “Thrust” your sound!

This is part of our new “Enhanced Classics” series.
At Tone Empire, we are inspired by classic devices yet yearn to bring the extended functionality to today’s modern musicians, engineers & producers working on advanced systems with a need for more flexibility and extended tones.

Model5000 is our 2nd release in our Enhanced Classics line of products.

The Model 5000 is a hybrid VCA modeled on the famous “Thrusting” American compressor and the famous British “Console” compressor. Get “Bottom Weight” on your mixes with ease.


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