
Aurora DSP IronHeart 1.3.6

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Aurora DSP IronHeart 是一款由 Aurora DSP 与 Laney 合作开发的现代高增益音色的吉他放大器/效果仿真插件。它精心模拟了英国手工制作的 Black Country Customs IronHeart 系列,提供了一个完整的三通道前置放大器,包括清音、节奏和主音通道,以及 IronHeart 系列著名的输出部分特性,如动态、音色、混响和功率。

这款插件还包含了 IRDX(Impulse Response Dynamix)技术,由制作人 Jens Bogren 开发,通过先进的机器学习方法重建真实音箱和脉冲响应之间的差异,使得吉他音色更加生动和真实。

除此之外,IronHeart 插件还提供了一个 FX 架,包括四种工作室质量的效果器,让你完全控制吉他声音的后期处理。这些效果器包括 10 频段均衡器、限制器、延迟和混响,可以让你精确地塑造最终的音色。

IronHeart 插件可以作为独立的插件使用,也可以集成到你的数字音频工作站(DAW)中,提供灵活的录音方式,无论何时何地都能记录你的吉他声音。

File size: 77 MB

For the first time in the history of Laney we are proud to announce an exciting partnership with AURORA DSP. In a world dominated by digital uptake you can now get all the amazing Black Country Customs IRONHEART tube tones in your digital universe.

The IRONHEART-PLUGIN includes all the wonderful tones and features of the renowned analogue versions, in addition to
Two Black Country Customs pedals, plotted in all their digital glory.
Two stunning Laney cabss with a host of mic’ing options.
A powerful suite of additional FX such EQ, Limiter, Delay and Compression.

Stomp Section
Pedals always make amps sound better! The digital world is no different.
The BCC-Monolith and BCC-STEELPARK offer you fully functioning versions of each pedal giving you complete control over dialling in just the right amount of distortion or clean boost.

The heart
Painstakingly modelled from the UK handcrafted Black Country Customs IRONHEARTS

The IRONHEART-PLUGIN is a beautifully representation of a modern sounding high gain tone powerhouse. Featuring a full 3-channel pre-amp with clean, rhythm and lead channels along with the output section features that the IRONHEART range is renowned for, Dynamics, Tone, Reverb and Watts.

“Our project partners, AURORA, have beautifully mapped the topology of our brand new IRONHEARTs and encapsulated them into digital form, providing a fully operational DSP version that can be used either as a standalone tone machine, or seamlessly integrated with your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)”. Simon Fraser-Clark Laney Product Manager – BACKLINE & EFFECTS

Cab section
Cabs are an important part of any guitar sound! With the IRONHEART-PLUGIN you get the choice of 2 outstanding cabinets from the Laney range. You also get access to a host of mics to choose from and the ability to place then exactly where you want them to capture the sound you hear in your head.

IRDX (Impulse Response Dynamix) technology by Bogren Digital breathes life into the guitar sound by adding dynamic and true-to-life speaker behavior to static impulse responses. IRDX technology, developed by producer Jens Bogren, uses advanced machine learning methods to reconstruct the difference between a real cab and an impulse response. The end result is a guitar amp sim that reacts like a real amp, easily fits in a mix without sounding stale, and feels great when playing through.


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