
Yum Audio Ember 1.0.0

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Yum Audio 发布首款虚拟合成器插件 Ember,可提供无与伦比的深度和个性。无论是用于塑造现代音色还是复古质感,Ember都能为每一个声音赋予温暖和活力,专为追求生动且富有生命力的音乐家和声音设计师而设计。

作为一款主打氛围的合成器插件,Ember 可以轻松塑造富有表现力的声音。通过将常见的合成器元素与独特的电路和效果控件相结合,让用户感受到栩栩如生,充满温暖、活力和怀旧的声音。


  • 旨在为每个音符提供丰富、个性和充满共鸣的声音
  • 直观的界面专为快速音乐创作而设计
  • 主控面板可通过音色、时间和宽度调整,轻松塑造复杂的声音
  • 由专业声音设计师和艺术家提供的大量预设
  • 电路控制可改变内部精度和调制,引入模拟风格的不确定性
  • 具有内置饱和度和子振荡器的振荡器
  • 用于制造复杂谐波纹理的 FM 调制
  • 具有键位跟踪的谐振模拟低通滤波器
  • 创意效果:裂纹、脉动、合唱、压缩、蒸腾、回声和空间
  • 漂移部分用于制造不断演变的有机调制
  • 用于制造动感和复杂节奏的琶音器

Ember 支持 VST3/AU/AAX 插件格式

File size: 14.5 MB

Vibe-driven Analog Synth. Create sounds full of character & personality. In every note.

Our first synthesizer is built from the ground up to deliver unmatched character and tonal depth.

No matter if you’re shaping modern tones or gritty vintage textures, Ember brings every sound to life with warmth and vibrancy. Designed as a true vibe machine, its intuitive interface lets you easily shape expressive, rich tones that go beyond ordinary synthesizer sounds, offering endless possibilities for your sound exploration and creativity.

Key Features
Designed to deliver rich, characterful sound full of vibe in every note
Intuitive interface designed for quick music creation
Master controls for easily shaping complex sounds through tone, time, and width adjustments
Over 200 presets from artists like Stimming, Craig Bauer, Steve Levine, Mr. Bill, Undulae, Jae Deal, Mike Schmid, Henkka Niemistö and many more
Circuit controls that alter the inner accuracy and modulation, introducing analog-style unpredictability
Oscillators with built-in saturation and sub-oscillator
FM modulation for complex harmonic textures
Resonant analog low-pass filter with key tracking
Creative FX section with Crackle, Ripple, Chorus, Compress, Heat, Echo, and Space
Drift section for evolving, organic modulation
Arpeggiator for rhythmic movement and complexity


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