
RC-WinTrans Professional 12.0.1261

Windows dsgsd 50浏览 0评论


RCWinTrans 是专业的本地化工具,可以把Windows程序的界面进行本地化。 需要.net4才能安装运行。

File size: 229 MB

RC-WinTrans is a software localization tool for Windows software files such as Win32, Microsoft .NET, WPF, Java, XML and more. Primary qualities include: organizational features that simplify work with multiple files, multiple projects and multiple translators; specialized checks and data views that address the unique circumstances of software localization and eliminate unnecessary errors; integrated use of dictionaries and translation memories that support the translation process; automated processes facilitating the localization process overall.

RC-WinTrans also comes fully integrated with Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to allow for customization.

Professional Edition
The full RC-WinTrans software localization environment and its complete set of project management and translation features with no restrictions on functionality.


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