日趋紧张的财政开支意味着IT专家们把一块钱掰两半来花都可能还嫌不够,但我们也已为你们安排好一切。Faronics Power Save能为您的公司带来的开支节省效果立竿见影。这是一款智能能源管理解决方案,能够防止能源浪费,让您花费的冤枉钱都回到您的口袋中。假设您的单位里有1,000台电脑。通过有效节省能源开支,单单在第一年内您就能节省$50,000的花销。想象一下,倘若能有这么大一笔钱,您能够创造出哪些效益!
这款智能解决方案在后台运作,不会影响最终用户的使用或IT任务的执行。Faronics Power Save设计时就考虑好了一切,内建有智能判断机制,能够准确判断电脑不活跃的状态,实现按时关机。它会对CPU、磁盘、网络、键盘、鼠标、应用程序状态数据进行仔细分析之后才采取节能操作,保证您的用户不会在处理要务途中受到干扰。作为第二重安全把关措施,它会在开始执行操作前提醒用户,并会自动储存已打开的工作。
使用内建的Faronics Core Console,您也可以轻而易举地管理公司内部所有电脑的节能情况。您可以轻松安排唤醒、关机或重启事件,同时还能够对您的配置进行精细调整。创建多个Power Plan(节能计划)让您能够满足不同级别的需求,同时为恰当的日期和时间创建节能效果最为明显的节能方案,增加您的节约效果。当您需要演示快速增长的ROI时,Power Save能够根据本地电价生成详尽的能源使用和节能报表,让您能够轻松应对。让您能够清楚知道每一天都能省下多少额外开支。
Faronics Power Save 3.61.2200.0408 | MacOSX | 17.32 MB
Power Save Mac is an effective and reliable tool that can control and manage energy throughout an enterprise. Computers are essential items for business and communications, but consume large amounts of electrical resources. Energy costs can add up to millions of dollars a year, and today companies are looking for ways to save.
Power Save Mac offers a way to effectively manage computer resources during downtime, and can greatly reduce annual energy costs.
Power Save Mac integrates seamlessly with Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) or any other third-party management utility to allow administrators to deploy their power saving configuration package to a single or multiple computers.
Specify if the action is a one-time event or a repeatable action
Configure the computers to start up, shut down, restart, or log out
Choose if the action will occur every day, on weekdays, weekends, or a specific day of the week
Choose a specific time of day for the action to occur
Power Save Mac’s
Configure screen also allows administrators to control inactive workstations between regularly scheduled action items. Administrators can configure logouts, restarts, and shutdowns to take place after a specified period of inactivity.
OS – MacOSX 10.7 or Later
Home Page – http://www.faronics.com/en-uk/products/power-save/enterprise/
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