
Turbosquid Human Fetus

3D模型/3DModels dsgsd 246浏览 0评论

Turbosquid Human Fetus

Turbosquid Human Fetus
max | fbx | 3D models | 566 MB

This includes the 3DS Max and Vray versions along with the obj and maps.

3DSMAX .max

Geometry = polygonal
Polygons = 3596
Vertices = 3612
Textures = yes
Materials = yes
Rigged = no
Animated = no
UV Mapped = yes
– Level detail= no
– Texture maps & resolution= diffuse map, displacement map, tangent normals map, subdermal map, occlusion map, cavity map. 8k textures
– Materials library = none
– Used plugins or scripts = no
– Rendered with vray or mental ray = Vray

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