
Enigmatis The Ghosts of Maple Creek Collectors Edition MULTi12-PROPHET

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想象一下,你在太阳落山,暴风雨之后醒来的情景。 你发现自己躺在小镇外的路边。 随着身体记起你内心无法或不会回想起的最近惊险历程,你感到脊背一阵颤栗… 
你敢揭开枫溪镇由来已久的神秘面纱吗? 什么样的古老恶灵潜藏在佛蒙特看似宁静的田园之地? 寻找失踪的少女,并在惊心动魄的侦探故事中解救自己,“解密之 枫叶溪幽灵”,无疑是一部悬疑解密类游戏佳作! 

荣膺 2011 年度最佳悬疑解密类游戏 (Gamezebo, Jay Is Games) 
独特的证据板: 搜集证据并得出结论,以开展调查并推动故事情节向前发展; 
AAA 级品质游戏画面; 

Imagine waking up after a powerful storm as the sun goes down. You find yourself just outside a small town on the side of the road. A shiver runs down your spine as your body remembers the recent dramatic events that your mind cannot or will not recall…

Will you dare to solve the ages-old mystery of Maple Creek? What ancient evil lurks in the seemingly peaceful, pastoral lands of Vermont? Find a missing teenage girl and save yourself in the thrilling detective story, “Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek,” an outstanding hidden-object puzzle-adventure game!


  • Named one of the best HOPA games of 2011 (Gamezebo, Jay Is Games)
  • Features the unique Evidence Board: collect evidence and draw conclusions to run the investigation and push the story forward
  • AAA-quality cinematics
  • Breathtaking scenery of autumnal Vermont
  • Extraordinarily immersive and multi-layered story
  • Hours and hours of adventure filled with puzzles and riddles
  • Special Collector’s Edition version full of exclusive extras
  • Bonus Chapter awarded for completing the game

Publisher: Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o.
Developer: Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o.
Genre: Adventure, Casual

Release name: Enigmatis.The.Ghosts.of.Maple.Creek.Collectors.Edition.MULTi12-PROPHET
Size: 379MB
Links: Homepage  – NFO

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