
Cinesamplеs Kontakt Design Vol 1 Metallurgy KONTAKT

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Cinesamplеs Kontakt Design Vol 1 Metallurgy KONTAKT | 2.31 Gb
We teamed up with the talented sound designers at Boom Library to create the source sample material. Their source material, with our interface, makes for a great pairing. Kontakt already offers a wide variety of tools for modifying a source sound into a finished, produced sound however in the shadow of a looming deadline more often then not we are forced to use Kontakt pre-sets or other products to get what we need. Our intention with this product was to provide you with a set of tools, specially made for you to be creative without relying upon presets (even though we included a bunch of ideas just to get you started). Our first volume uses some wonderfully recorded metal/industrial source material.

What you can accomplish:
In Metallurgy a finished patch is made of one to four layers run through up to 4 global FX. Each layer contains one source sound modified through a series of personalized modifiers.

Lets look at these modifiers:
IMPORTANT NOTE: To edit a preset, just CMD click (or control click on PC) on the [!] button on the interface. This will put it into edit mode and allow you to edit the patch.

Layer Modifiers/Parameters:
Gain – the volume of the layer
Pan – the position in the stereo field of the layer
Offset – the delay in milliseconds before the sound triggers
Tune – the root pitch of the layer from extremely deep to extremely high
Repeat – the amount in eighth notes you want a sound to repeat itself after the initial strike
R-fade – the amount in velocity each successive repeat will decrease in volume
Reverse – triggers the sound in reverse

Each layer then has three individualized FX settings which must be turned on/off via the power with switch EQ, Reverb and Delay.

After you have your desired amount of layers you can access the (global) FX settings. Here you can chose up to four effects (out of eight) which will effect all your layers:
EQ – A 3 band mastering Equalizer
Reverb – A mastering reverb a small touch always seems to help
Flanger – A tool which can add a modern sweeping effect to your sound
Chorus – A mechanical sounding micro doubling effect perfect for sci-fi and modernism
Distortion – Bit distortion plug in, perfect for going lo-fi
Compression – A typical mastering compressor
Phaser – That familiar tape-flanging effect
Rotator – A tool which modifies the stereo field

After you run Metallurgy Fix, setup will extract missing wallpapers into Kontakt 4 Settings folder, on Windows the path is – “c:\Users\[Your usename]\Documents\Native Instruments\Kontakt 4\pictures\”, therefore if you use Kontakt 5, you need to copy the content from “Kontakt 4\pictures\” to “Kontakt 5\pictures\”.

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