DIANA是由荷兰的TNO DIANA公司开发的通用有限元结构分析软件包。 DIANA作为面向土木桥梁、建筑结构、地基基础等方面的通用软件包,在欧洲各国、美国、 日本、韩国等地区有着良好的使用业绩。特别在混凝土的裂缝开展分 析、钢结构的局部稳定分析、地基的分段施 工分析等非线性分析方面得到了广大用户的高度评价。
DIANA在城市建筑物的维护管理、桥 梁等的抗震设计、地下设施等的 环境整顿等领域有着广阔的应用前景。由于DIANA允许用户使用自主开发的本构模型,很多 大学以及研究机关经常将DIANA作为研究 开发平台来使用。TNO DIANA公司与全世界的大学以及研究机关密 切合作,将最新的研究成果迅速吸收进DIANA。DIANA正在朝扩大分析范围以及更广阔 的应用领域方向迈进。
TNO DIANA FEMGV 7.2-01 | 328.3 mb
TNO DIANA BV, a growing SME company in computational mechanics, developing, marketing and supporting several high-tech finite element software for civil, geotechnical and petroleum engineering, announced the release of FEMGV 7.2-01, is a general purpose pre- and post-processor for Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis software. A world-wide user-community relies on FEMGV for different reasons such as its robust, fast visualisation of extremely large models, customizable, it offers interfaces to a wide range of solvers and CAD-programs and because it is one of the very few full graphical programs that runs under Linux and UNIX. The program offers a wide range of import capabilities for externally defined CAD models as well as an extensive range of functions and tools for defining your own geometry of a model. Properties such as material-models, boundary conditions, loadings and meshing divisions are defined for the geometrical entities. Both 2D and 3D structured and unstructured mesh-generators are offered for line, surface elements and volume-elements of the first, second or third order. The user can define his own properties and interfaces to FEA- and CFD-programs. Also predefined interfaces and property forms related to standard solvers such as ANSYS, ABAQUS, DIANA, NASTRAN are offered. FEMGV can be run both in batch mode as in graphical mode. Results can be projected on the mesh by contour-plots, deformed shapes, vector plots, diagram-plots, symbols or as a graph over load steps of a graph of a result over a line through the model. Cross-section plots and a montage function for pictures are available as well as a function to tabulate results. So if you are looking for a powerful pre-post processor for your specific analysis program that can interface with different solvers, that is robust and capable in handling really big models efficiently, then FEMGV should be your choice!
More info: http://tnodiana.com/
TNO DIANA BV was established in 2003 as a spin-off company from the Computational Mechanics department of TNO Building and Construction Research Institute in Delft, The Netherlands. Building on over 30 years of research and experience, the company provides world-class software products and services in the field of finite element solutions dedicated to civil, geotechnical, earthquake, and petroleum engineering.
DIANA, our flagship software, is world renowned as the finest in its class as the “all in one” solution for Finite Element Analysis within the civil engineering community. Our team of highly skilled and experienced civil and geotechnical engineers, scientists, software developers and architects work to develop and deliver innovative software and value-added services including technical support, training, analysis consultancy and R&D projects.
Version: (64bit) 7.2-01
Home: http://tnodiana.com/
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8
Size: 328.3 mb
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